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发布时间:2023-10-01 08:55:14

[单项选择]Vice-President Lyndon Johnson became President of the United States following the death of John F. Kennedy and was {{U}}subsequently{{/U}} elected to a full term in 1964.
A. duly
B. finally
C. later
D. therefore

更多"Vice-President Lyndon Johnson becam"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The president Johnson was defeated by the Democrats in 1965 because______.
A. he suffered from a serious scandal in Columbia
B. he was in the sixth year as president
C. he was no longer able to control his party
D. he came to the end of the second term as president
[单项选择]In 1868, President Johnson pardoned all the Southern leaders______.
A. because no one charged them of treason
B. because the jury could not convict them
C. in order to help the nation recover from the war
D. in order to bring the southern States back into the Union.
[单项选择]Lyndon B. Johnson (was) the only United States President (who) oath of (office) as (administered) by a woman Judge called Sarah Tilghman Hughes.
A. was
B. who
C. office
D. administered
[单项选择]Before he became American president, John Kennedy ______.
A. kept a record of events in the Navy
B. was the owner of a newspaper
C. was three times elected to the House of Representatives
D. studied law in the university
[单项选择]He has been plowing through a biography of Lyndon Johnson and a ______ of Henry Kissinger.
A. casualty
B. criteria
C. dissection
D. necessity
[单项选择]—Which office is Johnson in —Johnson Black I've heard of______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this
[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such.
B. such no.
C. not such.
D. no this.
A. (A) choreographer: dance
B. (B) speaker: parliament
C. (C) actress: performance
D. (D) instrumentalist: melody
E. (E) poetess: thesaurus
A. 肝细胞对胆红素排泄障碍
B. 肝细胞对胆红素结合缺陷
C. 胆道阻塞
D. 红细胞破坏过多
E. 肝细胞对胆红素转运缺陷
[单项选择]Which American president witnessed the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Westernization of East European countries
A. Carter.
B. Reagan.
C. Bush.
D. Clinton.
A. 血清非结合胆红素增加
B. 肝细胞对结合胆红素向毛细胆管排泄障碍
C. 肝细胞摄取非结合胆红素障碍
D. 肝细胞缺乏葡萄糖醛酸转换酶
E. 肝细胞摄取及排泄结合胆红素障碍
[单项选择]Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her {{U}}coverage{{/U}} of significant events during the Second World War.
A. baggage
B. orphanage
C. reportage
D. usage
[单项选择]The writer became well-known in
A. his thirties in the 1980s
B. the thirties in his 1980
C. his 30s in 1980s
D. the thirties during the 1980


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