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发布时间:2023-10-21 09:03:54

[单项选择]______ explanation is necessary.
A. Farther
B. Further
C. Farthest
D. Furthest

更多"______ explanation is necessary."的相关试题:

[单项选择]What explanation is given for many criminals being kept on death row
[单项选择]The author believes that a religious explanation for the war in Northern Ireland is ______.
A. founded in historical fact
B. deceptive
C. apparent
D. accurate
[单项选择]Unless you give us a satisfactory explanation about quality, we will have no choice but to reject your goods.
A. 除非你方能在质量方面给一个满意的答复,否则我们将不再选择,而是拒绝你方的货物。
B. 除非你方能就质量问题给一个满意的解释,否则我们只能拒绝你方的货物。
C. 只要你们的解释能让我们满意货物的质量,我们就不会拒绝你们的货物。
D. 只要你们的解释不能让我们满意,还存在质量问题,我们将拒绝你们的货物。
[单项选择]The author believes that a. religious explanation for the war in Northern Ireland is ________.
A. founded in historical fact
B. apparent
C. misleading
D. probably accurate
[单项选择]According to the explanation of the scientific rule of experiment in the passage, "hard-and-fast" means experiment procedures ______.
A. are difficult and quick to follow
B. must be carried out in a strict and quick way
C. must be followed strictly to avoid false and loose results
D. hard and unreasonable for scientists to observe
[单项选择]One explanation for the different character of English people is that ________.
A. they are geographically isolated from the European continent
B. they have nothing to do with the other Europeans
C. they like to keep quiet among their acquaintances
D. they tend to be reserved by nature
[单项选择]The explanation given by the manager yesterday was not at all ________ to us.
A. satisfy
B. satisfied
C. satisfactory
D. satisfying
[单项选择]A customer asks the technician for an explanation of the cause of a printer issue, after the issue is resolved. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate response?()
A. “The process of removal is extremely complex and only certain individuals would understand”.
B. “There was a moisture build up in the paper tray that apparently caused the paper jam”.
C. “Condensation within the lower tray assembly hindered the functionality of the rollers which caused improper transfer”.
D. “The paper jam was caused because irresponsible users spilled liquid in the bottom tray”.
[单项选择]The explanation of the underlined "turning their early promises into practical reality" is ______.
A. earning their living and keeping promises
B. doing practical jobs and facing reality
C. doing what they have promised
D. realizing what they were expected
[单项选择]One explanation given by scientists for the crop circles is that they are made by ______.
A. airplane crashes
B. air movement
C. unknown flying objects
D. new farming techniques
[单项选择]According to the explanation given in the passage, which of the following causes superbubbles to gradually assume the shape of a chimney
[单项选择]The author thinks of the explanation given by the army as______
A. ridiculous
B. not capable of proof
C. adequate
D. scientific though seemingly simple .
[单项选择]After his long and complicated explanation, I finally ________ his main point.
A. gripped
B. grabbed
C. grasped
D. snatched


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