发布时间:2023-10-29 07:46:18

[单项选择]All passengersare expected to fasten the seatbelts when the plane takes off and lands.
A. broad
B. abroad
C. aboard
D. board

更多"All passengersare expected to faste"的相关试题:

[单项选择]“Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts.”的中文意思是()。
A. 请写下来。
B. 请重复一遍。
C. 请把你的地址告诉我。
D. 请坐好并系好安全带。
[单项选择]______ is expected, all the students in his class passed the final examination.
A. As
B. Which
C. That
D. What
[单项选择]All of the following products are expected to come out in the future EXCEPT______.
A. wrist-watch phones
B. web—browsing phones
C. phones connected to computers
D. voice-dialling phones
[单项选择]All else equal, a decrease in the expected rate of inflation will most likely result in a decrease in:()
A. the real risk-free rate.
B. the nominal risk-free rate.
C. both real and nominal risk-free rates.
[单项选择]People of all countries are expected to ______ the principles of the United Nations and defend the peace in the world.
A. inspect
B. expedited
C. uphold
D. reinstall
[单项选择]Please {{U}}ensure{{/U}} that your seatbelts are fastened while driving.
A. make out
B. make for
C. make up
D. make sure
[单项选择]Why did the man fasten the end of the rope before he climbed up the ladder
A. He was afraid that someone would steal his box.
B. Because he wanted to climb up along the rope.
C. He fastened the end of the rope in order to keep the box unmoved.
D. Because he wanted to prevent the box from coming down.
[填空题]() your seat belt, please. 【fasten】  请系紧安全带。
[单项选择]For your own_________, please fasten your belts before the plane takes off.
A. safeguard
B. save
C. safety
D. safener
[单项选择]For your own ______, please fasten your belts before the plane takes off.
A. safeguard
B. save
C. safety
D. safenor
[单项选择](fasten) ______ your seat-belt, please!
[单项选择]Qualified candidates are expected to ()
A. e-mail their resumes to hr@ doralbankny, com
B. visit Doral Bank in New York in person
C. call 212-329-3745 for more information
D. visit www. doralbankny, com for an interview
[单项选择]I expected a more enthusiastic welcome, especially ______ it is the first time I have come here.
A. providing
B. comparing
C. supposing
D. considering
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. vulnerable
B. controllable
C. cozy
D. tolerable
[单项选择]When can the drought be expected to end
A. In no time.
B. In the summer.
C. In the fall.
D. Beyond prediction.


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