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发布时间:2024-03-03 05:30:31

[单项选择]Who was the first English king to bring all Ireland under English control
A. Henry Ⅱ.
B. Henry Ⅲ.
C. Henry Ⅷ.
D. James Ⅱ.

更多"Who was the first English king to b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who was the first English king la bring all Ireland under English control
A. Henry Ⅱ.
B. Henry Ⅲ.
C. Henry Ⅷ.
D. James Ⅱ.
[单项选择]Who was the first English king to bring all Ireland under English control?()
A. Henry II.
B. Henry III.
C. Henry VIII.
D. James II.
[单项选择]First aid may bring about all the following results EXCEPT
[单项选择]Who is the first Anglo-Norman king in British history
A. Harold.
B. William.
C. Edward.
D. Alfred.
[填空题]Charles the First,king of Britain,was executed,because he attempted to overrule()in the English Revolution.
[单项选择]()became the first real king of England,though he did not assume that style.
A. Offa
B. Egbert
C. Vortigern
D. Hengist
[单项选择]Jackie Robinson, {{U}}the first Black American who was{{/U}} to play baseball in the major leagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
A. the first and a Black American who
B. was the first Black American
C. the first Black American
D. the Black American who first
[单项选择]The first two paragraphs serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT to ______.
A. (A) provide a narrative account to serve as an introduction
B. (B) contrast American Indian social events with individual performances
C. (C) create a sense of the permanence of some American Indian customs
D. (D) inform the reader about the nature of a powwow
[单项选择]Christopher Marlowe is the first playwright who writes in ______in the history of English literature.
A. free verse
B. heroic couplet
C. blank verse
D. sonnet
[单项选择]Who were in King High School from 1942 to 1946
[单项选择]During the First World War, soldiers who spent long periods in cold and wet trenches ______.
A. often caught colds
B. never caught colds
C. did not show increased tendency to catch colds
D. did not increase in number
[单项选择]Adults sometimes envy children who play all the time ______ they themselves have to work, rain or shine.
A. while
B. once
C. since
D. though
[单项选择]Who were the first known inhabitants of Britain
A. The Iberians.
B. The Beaker Folk
C. The Celts.
D. The Romans.
[单项选择]Who founded the first permanent settlements at Quebec and Montreal on the St.Lawrence River?()
A. John Cabot.
B. Jacques Cartier.
C. Samuel de Champlain
D. Henry Hudson
[单项选择]The applicants _____ are required to bring all the necessary papers.
A. interviewing
B. having interviewed
C. to interview
D. to be interviewed
[单项选择]College graduates who are looking for their first positions usually have no ______.
A. desires in salary
B. experience in working
C. definite purposes
D. ability to handle the job


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