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发布时间:2023-10-23 19:53:00

[单项选择]Not only ______ very well, but also ______ well.
A. she cooks; does she dance
B. she cooks; she dances
C. does she cook; she dances
D. does she cook; does she dance

更多"Not only ______ very well, but also"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Whatever he did, he did very well.
A. 凡是他做的事情,都很好。
B. 凡是他做的事,他都做得很好。
C. 他能把他能做的任何事情做好。
D. 凡是他能做的事,他都好好做。
[单项选择]People knew the nature of wolf very well.
[单项选择]People knew the nature of the wolf very well.
[单项选择]He did very well in all the examinations because he had the ______ to study hard.
A. encouragement
B. determination
C. enthusiasm
D. decision
[单项选择]The Cuban-Americans have done very well()
A. inFlorida
B. in business with Cuba
C. politically7
D. economically
[单项选择]She gets along very well with everyone; so she is the most ______ member of our family.
A. rusty
B. impetuous
C. compatible
D. imperious
[单项选择]The little girl slept very well in one of the little beds.
[单项选择]What will be the result if Bill does very well in the first trial
A. He may explore Jupiter immediately after this trial.
B. He may attract space-loving investors to sponsor him.
C. He may save a lot of time in his journey to exploring outer space.
D. He may obtain patent on the advanced underwater
[单项选择]The two girls are getting on very well and share ______ with each other.
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
[单项选择]You look very well after your holiday; you have ______ weight.
A. put on
B. put up with
C. put away
D. put out
[单项选择]He is () student that he performed very well in the nationwide examinations.
A. so diligent
B. such a diligent
C. so much diligent
D. such very diligent
[单项选择]John is doing very well in school and it is quite______ that his mother should be proud of him.
A. normal
B. usual
C. general
D. natural
[单项选择] You may not have played very well today, but at least you’ve got through to the next round and __________.
A. tomorrow never comes
B. tomorrow is another day
C. never put off till tomorrow
D. there is no tomorrow


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