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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:51:15

[单项选择]The word "exceeded" in paragraph 1 most probably means ______.
A. added up to
B. were more than
C. were about
D. were less than

更多"The word 'exceeded' in paragraph 1 "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The word "weaklings" (Paragraph 2) most probably means
A. irrational creditors.
B. competitive rivals.
C. efficient negotiators.
D. indebted firms.
[单项选择]The word "ballot" (Line 2, Para.1) most probably means ______.
A. vote
B. ball
C. dance
D. voter
[单项选择]The word "mogul" (Line 2, Para. 2) most probably means.
A. money made by the new economy
B. people who made a fortune in this new era
C. new rules of modern-day capitalism
D. Adam Smith and his peers
[单项选择]The word "shaky" (Line 1, Para. 3) most probably means" ______."
A. creative
B. firm
C. false
D. weak
[单项选择]The word "scrutiny'(Line 3,Para. 3)most probably means" ______ ".
A. inquiry
B. observation
C. control
D. suspicion
[单项选择]Obviously, the word "precipitation" most probably refers to ______
A. latitude
B. rainfall
C. temperature
D. projection
[单项选择]______would probably be most valued by Americans.
[单项选择]In Paragraph 1, the word "consumers" most probably refers to______.
A. high-school graduates
B. college graduates
C. those who employ college graduates
D. those who consume commercial goods
[单项选择]The word "plagiarize" in Paragraph 4 most probably means ______.
A. make public
B. give reward to
C. steal and use
D. take and change
[单项选择]The word "cumulative" in Paragraph 1 most probably means ______.
A. decisive
B. extremely beneficial
C. strong
D. progressively greater
[单项选择]The word "goggles" in Paragraph 6 most probably means ______.
A. short pants
B. special glasses
C. a rare suit
D. a safety belt
[单项选择]The word "custom" in this passage most probably means______.
A. the concept of the true and the false of a society
B. the independently developed social orders
C. the adjustment of the individual to the new social environment
D. the patterns and standards of behavior of a community
[单项选择]The word "cumulative" in Line 3 most probably means______.
A. decisive
B. extremely beneficial
C. strong
D. progressively greater
[单项选择]What does the word "cold-calling" most probably mean
A. Working in a bad weather.
B. Making no friends among the clients.
C. Being unfriendly to clients.
D. Getting no response from a client.
[单项选择]In Para. four, the word "Rusken" most probably means ______.
A. a traffic police who directs the traffic
B. a bad example to give a caution
C. one person who breaks the traffic regulations
D. the driver loved by the passengers
[单项选择]The word "lopsided" (Paragraph 4) most probably means
A. Detrimental.
B. Misguided.
C. Outdated.
D. Disproportionate.
[单项选择]Tile word "challenged" in Para. 3 most probably means ______.
A. "fought against"
B. "criticized"
C. "doubted or suspected"
D. "disapproved"
[单项选择]The word "hawk" (Paragraph 3) most probably means ______.
A. transport
B. sell
C. race
D. deliver


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