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发布时间:2023-10-04 15:54:57

[单项选择]Who came to their rescue when they ______ get different haircuts
A. are about to
B. had to
C. had better
D. were supposed to

更多"Who came to their rescue when they "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Those who get the flu vaccine are surely protected from the disease.
[单项选择]When I negotiate,I get nervous.When I get nervous,I eat.
A. 我在谈判时,我会紧张;我紧张时,我就吃东西。
B. 当我谈判时,我会紧张;当我紧张时,我就吃东西。
C. 当我谈判时,我会紧张;当我紧张时,我会吃东西。
D. 我在谈判时总是有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点东西。
[单项选择]When did you get ______
[单项选择]What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what he wants
A. He buys a similar thing of the colour he wants.
B. He usually does not buy anything.
C. At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.
D. So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.
[单项选择]They came to their rescue and convinced these trembling men ______ safety and help.
A. of
B. with
C. for
D. as
[单项选择]Who can get the grant
A. A foreign student who has been there for 11 months.
B. A British pupil in a secondary school.
C. A British student who studies in the University.
D. A university graduate who wants to continue his studies.
[单项选择]--When do you get up every morning -- ______ half past five
[单项选择]When caring for children who are sick, who have sustained traumas, or who are suffering from nutritional inadequacies, the nurse should know the correct hemoglobin (Hb) values for children. Which of the following ranges would be inaccurate
A. Neonates. 10.6 to 16.5.
B. 3 months. 10.6 to 16.5.
C. 3 years. 9.4 to 15.5.
D. 10 years. 10.7 to 15.5.
[单项选择]When you get angry, which of the followings should you do for the sake of health
A. Controlling your anger and then studying its cause.
B. Letting out your anger freely and then studying its cause.
C. Studying its cause and waiting till it cools down.
D. Waiting till it has cooled down and then studying its cause.
[单项选择]When he discovered who had written the letter to his mother, the soldier______.
A. was filled with great surprise
B. recognized Lincoln at once
C. asked Lincoln who he was
D. asked Lincoln to hold his hand
[单项选择]According to the author, who can get narcotic easily
A. Government men.
B. Medical workers.
C. The minorities.
D. The Jews.
[单项选择]When you get to the motorway, what you should do is just to follow the to New York.
A. marks
B. signs
C. signals
D. indications
[单项选择]When you get a minor burn, pour some cold water on it, which will help _________ the pain of the burn.
A. relieve
B. relax
C. reveal
D. release
[单项选择]When is alcohol not able to get
A. At 9:00 p.m.
B. At 10:00 p. m.
C. At 11:00 p.m.
D. At 12:00 p. m.
[单项选择]Could you lend me the bestseller when you get ______ it
A. by
B. over
C. through
D. on


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