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发布时间:2023-10-15 09:03:58

[单项选择]I will certainly tell him about the matter ______ he comes in.
A. the moment
B. moment
C. the immediately
D. suddenly

更多"I will certainly tell him about the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I wish I______able to tell him all about it last night.
A. should be
B. were
C. had been
D. was
[单项选择]I showed him my new dress but I ______ tell him how much it cost.
A. does not dare to
B. dared not
C. dared not to
D. dares not
[单项选择]I should ______ him up to tell him the information.
A. call
B. calling
C. called
D. have called
[单项选择]When he ______, tell him that I've already left.
A. has come
B. came
C. comes
D. will come
[单项选择]I didn’t tell him ______ news at once because I wanted to give him surprise.
A. a, a
B. the, the
C. the, a
D. /, the
[单项选择](), I'm not going to tell him().
A. Speaking frankly... direct
B. Frankly speaking... directly
C. Speaking frankly... directly
D. Frankly speaking...direct
[单项选择]I took ______ of the opportunity to tell him what I thought.
A. gain
B. advantage
C. benefit
D. profit
[单项选择]Bill’s secretary interrupted to tell him he had a telephone call.()
A. cut out
B. cut in
C. took in
D. took out
[单项选择]Tell him ______the window.
A. to shut not
B. not to shut
C. to not shut
D. not shut
[单项选择]John's girlfriend didn't tell him what kind of perfume she liked.
[单项选择]No one will dare to tell him the truth, in case that should vex him ______.
A. all the much
B. all the more
C. all the way
D. all the time
[单项选择]The man asked Addison to tell him ______.
A. how to invent new things
B. how to become famous
C. how he became a nobleman
D. how to become a scientist
[单项选择]If she doesn't tell him the truth now, he'll simply keep on asking until she ______.
A. has done
B. does
C. will do
D. would do
[单项选择]If she doesn' t tell him the truth now, he' 11 simply keep on asking her until she ______.
A. does
B. has done
C. will do
D. would do


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