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发布时间:2023-10-10 13:50:18

[单项选择]I don't think it's sensible of you to ______ your greater knowledge in front of the chairwoman, for it may well offend her.
A. show up
B. show off
C. show out
D. show away

更多"I don't think it's sensible of you "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don't think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, ______ you
[单项选择]Your shirt ______you, but I don't think the color ______you very well.
[单项选择]I don't think it's wise of you to______ your greater knowledge in front of the director, for it may offend him.
A. show up
B. show out
C. show in
D. show off
[单项选择]I don't think it's wise of you to ______ your greater knowledge in front of the director, for it may offend him.
A. show up
B. show out
C. show in
D. show off
[单项选择]Don't you think it is time you ______smoking
A. give up
B. gave up
C. would give up.
D. should give up
[单项选择]Don't you think it's high time that you stopped to prepare your speech on how to judge a man on his looks()
A. 难道你不认为该停下来准备明天关于如何从外表来判断一个人的演讲了吗
B. 难道你不认为你该停下来准备明天关于如何从脸色来审判一个人的讲话了吗
C. 难道你不认为你该停下来去准备明天关于如何以貌取人的演说了吗
D. 难道你不认为到了你该停止准备明天关于不要以貌取人的演讲的时候了吗
[单项选择]You don't object () you by your first name, do you
A. to me to call
B. to my calling
C. me to call
D. my calling
[单项选择]A: Do you think you could lend me some of your recordsB: Until whenA: Oh, just over the holidays.B: I'm not sure. ______
[单项选择]If you don' t take your umbrella, you' re going to get ______.
A. submerged
B. emerged
C. merged
D. soaked
[单项选择]I don't think you have heard of the story before you knew Peter,__________
[单项选择]James: Don't you think the jewellery is too expensive Jane: ______
[单项选择]If you don't take your umbrella, you're going to get ______.
A. submerged
B. emerged
C. merged
D. soaked
[单项选择]The weather is not as cold as you think. So I don't think the ice is thick enough to walk on it.
A. as you think
B. think
C. enough
D. walk on it
[单项选择]—I don't think the company may offer you a higher position. —______, I quit the job.
A. That is to say
B. What is more
C. In other words
D. In that case
[单项选择]-- Do you think I could borrow your bicycle
A. How come
B. Take your time.
C. Yes, go on.
D. Yes, help yourself.
[单项选择]I don't think Mary understood what you said, ______


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