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发布时间:2023-11-05 07:08:50

[单项选择]______ the workers put in a lot of effort, profits were not high.
A. (A) Whatever
B. (B) Why
C. (C) Even though
D. (D) However

更多"______ the workers put in a lot of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Japanese workers still put in an impressive 42 hours each week but they are ______ by the South Koreans and Singaporeans who spend an average 46 hours at the grindstone.
A. outdone
B. outweighed
C. outrun
D. outrivaled
[单项选择]Put some effort into your work
A. effect
B. force
C. coverage
D. energy
[单项选择]I can see you have put a lot of time( )it.
A. into
B. on
C. with
D. under
[单项选择]The suggestions put forward by the workers to improve their working conditions were _____ by the factory owner.
A. turned to
B. turned off
C. turned out
D. turned down
[单项选择]Diana made a lot of effort to persuade her parents into ______ to her going to the United States to study business administration in MIT.
A. contending
B. contesting
C. contenting
D. consenting
[单项选择]She has put on a lot of weight since she was graduated from the college.
A. 自从大学毕业以来她挑起了工作的重担。
B. 自从大学毕业以来她长胖了许多。
C. 因为她大学毕业了,所以挑起了工作的重担。
D. 因为她大学毕业了,所以长胖了许多。
[单项选择]She has put on a lot of weight since she got out of the hospital.
A. 自从出院以来她挑起了工作的重担.
B. 自从出院以来她长胖了许多。
C. 因为她出院了,所以挑起了工作的重担。
D. 因为她出院了,所以她长胖了许多。
[单项选择]A lot of workers have got ______ in the strike.
A. involved
B. linked
C. take part
D. connected
[单项选择]It takes a lot of ______ to put on a school play such as King Lear.
A. organization
B. arrangement
C. management
D. preparation
[单项选择]White-collar workers will be
A. on the inside
B. on the outside
C. afraid and angry
D. both B and C
[单项选择]Why do workers want more money
A. Because their jobs are too boring.
B. In order to enjoy more spare time.
C. To make their jobs more interesting.
D. To demand shorter working hours.
[单项选择] What is the basic purpose of profits in our market economy (  )
A. Pay for wages and salaries of workers.
B. Lead businesses to produce what consumers want.
C. Transfer income to the wealthy.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]Henry Manley's company was making enough profits to raise the workers' wages.
[单项选择]Companies whose profits do not exceed $ 1500 in any one year may {{U}}opt{{/U}} to pay income tax at the rate of 20%.
A. choose
B. operate
C. manage
D. decide


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