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发布时间:2023-11-05 07:07:15

[单项选择]Unexpectedly, he ______ at her birthday party. All of us thought he wouldn't come.
A. turned up
B. turned down
C. turned in
D. turned out

更多"Unexpectedly, he ______ at her birt"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Unexpectedly, her friend came ______ the eve of her wedding.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. about
[单项选择]He couldn't______ her that he was innocent and he didn't commit the crime.
A. confirm
B. confide
C. trust
D. convince
[单项选择]He' s so crazy about her that he doesn' t realize he' s being ______.
A. manifested
B. magnified
C. manipulated
D. maintained
[单项选择]Directly he saw her, he fell ______ in love.
A. from head to foot
B. head over heels
C. head and shoulders
D. toe to toe
[单项选择]Her______ told her that he wasn't to be trusted.
A. intuition
B. hypothesis
C. inspiration
D. sentiment
[单项选择]______ he admired her looks and her manners, he had no wish to marry her.
A. Much as
B. As much as
C. How much
D. So much
[单项选择]He purposely ignored her call because he just didn't feel like ______.
A. disturbing
B. to disturb
C. being disturbed
D. to be disturbed
[单项选择]On Tom's eighteenth birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for______.
[单项选择]He kept a ______ hold on her hand as he helped her over the fence.
A. solid
B. stiff
C. firm
D. rigid
[单项选择]It is certain that he will do all he can ______ us.
[单项选择]He promised her a loan, but disappointingly he went back on his word.
A. 他许诺她一笔贷款。但失望的是,他失言了。
B. 他答应借给她钱,但令人失望的是,他没有遵守诺言。
C. 他允许给她借钱,但他很失望地收回了他的话。
D. 他答应给她钱,但很失望,他食言了。
[单项选择]He expressed his gratitude to her for her favorable help with the experiment.
A. congratulations
B. sphere
C. thanks
D. sympathy
[单项选择]John was fed up with travelling. All he wanted now was a wife, family, home and a ______ job.
A. safe
B. secure
C. certain
D. guaranteed
[单项选择]Although he offered her a high salary, he could not ______ her to accept a position with his firm.
A. advise
B. persuade
C. conceive
D. convince

The student asked her professor if he would have gone on the space ship he did know earlier.()

A. if he knew
B. if he knows
C. he had known
D. had he known


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