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发布时间:2023-10-10 07:09:47

[单项选择]Another big issue ______ the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.
A. confining
B. confirming
C. conforming
D. confronting

更多"Another big issue ______ the new re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Another big issue ______ the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.
A. confining
B. confirming
C. conforming
D. confronting
[单项选择]What is another name for New York
A. Big Ben.
B. Big Port.
C. Big Apple.
D. Big Bear.
[单项选择]Hardly a week passed ______ he got another new idea.
A. that
B. for
C. but that
D. but for
[单项选择]Who can make big money in the new century according to the passage
A. Retirees who are business-minded.
B. The volunteer workers in retirement homes.
C. College graduates with an MBA or law degree.
D. Professionals with a good knowledge of gerontology.
[单项选择]A new big oilfield is reported()in the west of the country.
A. to have been found
B. to be found
C. found
D. having been found
[单项选择]The firm is looking for a new ______ for another branch office.
A. site
B. point
C. post
D. position
[单项选择]The big IT company will ______ a new research center in the city.
A. set up
B. break up
C. get up
D. turn up
[单项选择]New York City. -------"Big Apple” is the largest city in the United States and has been the gateway location for repeated waves of Immigrants.
A. is the
B. which the
C. calling the
D. me
[单项选择]Since independence the Irish Republic has adhered to().
A. a policy of protectionism
B. a policy of containment
C. a policy of military alliance
D. a policy of neutrality and nonalignment
[单项选择]While troubleshooting a network connectivity issue, you suspect that a router may be missing a route, or may be receiving bad routing information to a destination. What command should you issue to view the route that the router will use to reach a given destination?()
A. ping
B. trace
C. show ip route
D. show interface
E. show cdp neighbors
[单项选择]Officials in the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan now fear ______ in the huge subway fire.

A. an electrical fault
B. a high voltage spark
C. more than 30 people were killed Sunday
D. more than 300 people were killed Saturday
[单项选择]What is the Republic of Ireland called in Irish
A. Irea.
B. Aire.
C. Eare.
D. Eire.
[单项选择]While troubleshooting a connectivity issue from a PC you obtain the following information:Local PC IP address: Gateway: Sever: then conduct the following tests from the local PC:Ping – SuccessfulPing – SuccessfulPing – UnsuccessfulPing – UnsuccessfulWhat is the underlying cause of this problem?()
A. A remote physical layer problem exists.
B. The host NIC is not functioning.
C. TCP/IP has not been correctly installed on the host.
D. A local physical layer problem exists.
[单项选择]After the war the German Democratic Republic's policy was ______.
A. to make it easy and attractive for women to work
B. to force women out of work
C. to pay mothers who stayed at home to look after the children
D. to give equal pay to women who worked in day-care centers


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