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发布时间:2023-10-03 19:48:43

[单项选择]Safe stock refers to ( )inventory level given the forecasted market demand.
A. minmum
B. certain
C. some
D. maximum

更多"Safe stock refers to ( )inventory"的相关试题:

[单项选择]__________ care in hospitals should be given to those who are seriously ill.
A. Extensive
B. Extreme
C. Generous
D. Intensive
[单项选择]The increased demand for their skills has given these workers' greater ________power.
A. negotiating
B. bargaining
C. consulting
D. debating
[单项选择]The manufacturers of "Smart" watches were given the order because ______.
A. they produced the best watches of its kind in the world
B. the watches would be easy to make and the designs were already prepared
C. they promised they could produce enough stocks quite quickly
D. they claimed the order would be easy since the watches were already in stock
[单项选择]Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him.
[单项选择]The leader says he hasn't given much thought to the demonstrations planned against him during his state visit to Britain next week.
A. 这位领导人说他并未过多考虑下周对英国国事访问期间针对他策划的示威游行。
B. 这位领导人对下周访英期间为他周密筹划的示范活动评价不高。
C. 这位领导人就要对英国进行国事访问,对于下周为他策划的示威游行他说并未过多考虑。
D. 这位领导人说他并未想到下周英国国事访问期间会为他安排示范活动。
[单项选择] Given the following table definition: STOCK: item VARCHAR(30) status CHAR(1) quantity INT price DEC(7,2) If items are indicated to be out of stock by setting STATUS to NULL and QUANTITY and PRICE to zero, which of the following statements would be used to update the STOCK table to indicate that all the items whose description begins with the letter "S" are out of stock?()
A. UPDATE stock SET (status = NULL; quantity, price = 0) WHERE item LIKE S%
B. UPDATE stock SET (status, quantity, price) = (NULL, 0, 0) WHERE item LIKE S%
C. UPDATE stock SET status = NULL, SET quantity = 0, SET price = 0 WHERE item LIKE 'S%'
D. UPDATE stock SET (status = NULL), (quantity = 0), (price = 0) WHERE item LIKE S%
[单项选择]Quizzes are given every other week to make sure that the students ______ keeping in pace with what is going on in the class.
A. are to be
B. will be
C. shall be
D. are
[单项选择]People at any given level of the I. Q. scale tend to______.
A. disapprove of the mental activities of people at any other level
B. be unconcerned about the mental activities of people at other level
C. have a deep sympathy for people with low I. Q.
D. find a stimulating challenge in the mental activities of the intellectual
[单项选择]Who absorb low-level radiation at a higher rate than the others
A. Children.
B. Men.
C. Women.
D. Old people.
[单项选择]The assignment given is to
A. teach people how to control their behavior.
B. punish people who have some problems.
C. form a habit of saving money.
D. test their ability of bargaining.
[单项选择]The enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries meant that people were
A. no longer legally entitled to their own land
B. badly paid for the work they managed to find
C. not adequately compensated for the loss of their land
D. forced to look elsewhere for means for supporting themselves
[单项选择]A stock is currently worth $ 75. If the stock was purchased one year ago for $ 60, and the stock paid a $1.50 dividend over the course of the year, what is the holding period return()
A. 24.0%.
B. 22.0%.
C. 27.5%.
A. 治疗沙眼需应用抗生素,应注意用药的安全
B. 手术、抗生素、清洁脸部和改善环境
C. 由于沙眼是衣原体感染所致,因此进行沙眼防治时应注意患者的安全
D. 治疗沙眼引起的倒睫时应注意安全
E. 由于沙眼是衣原体感染所致,因此进行沙眼防治时应注意医师的安全


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