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发布时间:2023-10-20 08:08:47

[单项选择]The overall goal of logistics is to achieve atargeted level of customet service at( )。
A. the lowest possible discount
B. the shortest possible time
C. the lowest possible price
D. the lowest possible total cost

更多"The overall goal of logistics is to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage creates an overall impression of
A. mystery.
B. horror.
C. liveliness.
D. contempt.
[单项选择]The overall economic situation had improved.
A. 总体上说,经济形势有了改变。
B. 半数地区的经济态势有了好转。
C. 整个经济形势已被证明了。
D. 总的经济形势有了好转。
[单项选择]Why do Asian Americans achieve so well academically
[单项选择]Now you can achieve a Professional Certificate in Management in under a year with the Open Business School, part of the Open University.
A. 欢迎您争取开放大学所属开放商学院管理专业证书,学习时间一年以下。
B. 一年之内,您可以就读开放大学所属开放商学院管理专业。
C. 欢迎您成为开放大学所属开放商学院管理专业的自由职业者,有效期为一年以下。
D. 一年之内,您就有资格获得开放大学所属开放商学院管理专业的毕业证书了。
[单项选择]How did yellow ware achieve its distinctive color
A. By sponging on a glaze
B. By dusting on metallic powders
C. By brown-glazing
D. By firing at a high temperature
[单项选择]The encouragement of children to achieve new skills ______.
A. can never be taken too far
B. should be left to school teachers
C. will always assist their development
D. should be balanced between two extremes
[单项选择] A:Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? B:()
A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you
B. No, thank you
C. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking
[单项选择]英文“logistics”翻译成中文,指的是( )
A. 信息流
B. 商流
C. 物流
D. 资金流
[单项选择]According to the passage, diversity can be achieved in American society by ______.
A. promoting policies that provide skills to employees
B. training more engineers, scientists and businessmen
C. expanding the pool of potential employees
D. providing education for all regardless of race or sex
[单项选择]To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered ________.
A. in well-worded language
B. as awkwardly as possible
C. in exaggerated statements
D. as casually as possible
[单项选择]The ultimate goal in developing technology is for people to______.
A. get practical skills and arts
B. obtain greater amounts of energy
C. effect social changes
D. create new cultures
[单项选择]Organizations perform work to achieve a set of objectives.Generally, work can be categorized as either projects or operations, although the two sometimes are (67).
A. confused
B. same
C. overlap
D. dissever
[单项选择]To achieve the desired result, humorous stones should be delivered ______.
A. in well-worded language
B. as awkwardly as possible
C. in exaggerated statements
D. as casually as possible
[单项选择]According to the author, to achieve full development of their child' s capacities parents should________.


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