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发布时间:2023-10-15 23:15:19

[单项选择]The word "whetted" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by "______".
A. attracted
B. spoiled
C. guided
D. cheated

更多"The word 'whetted' in Paragraph 3 c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the last paragraph, the word "scrapped" can be best replaced by______.
A. "scratched"
B. "reinforced"
C. "reduced"
D. "abandoned"
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the word 'plump' can be replaced by which word
A. Heavy.
B. Slim.
C. Ugly.
D. Stout.
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the word "offspring" means ______.
A. relatives
B. sons
C. daughters
D. children
[单项选择]In the last paragraph the underlined word "speculate" probably means ______.
A. tell
B. guess
C. discuss
D. talk
[单项选择]In the first paragraph the underlined word "inhabitants" probably means ______.
A. tourists
B. passengers
C. population
D. citizens
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the word "track" could best be replaced by which of the following
A. Band.
B. Rails.
C. Path.
D. Sequence.
[单项选择]In die second paragraph, the word "real" in "real goods" could best be replaced by which of the following
A. high quality
B. concrete
C. utter
D. authentic
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the word "real" in "real goods" could best be replaced by which of the following
A. High quality.
B. Concrete.
C. Utter.
D. Authentic.
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the word "real" in real goods could be replaced by______.
A. high guality
B. concrete
C. utter
D. authentic
[单项选择]In the last paragraph, the word “patrons” probably means____.
A. professional people
B. academic researchers
C. librarians
D. readers
[单项选择]In second paragraph,the word “approach” means.
A. means of entering
B. ways of coming near to
C. manner of doing something
D. speaking to someone for the first time
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the word "background" means " ______".
A. stage
B. condition
C. experience
D. setting
[单项选择]In the third paragraph , the word "austerity" has a meaning closest to ______.
A. "authority"
B. "stinginess"
C. "generosity"
D. "cleverness"
[单项选择]As used in the second paragraph, the word "pollinating" is most similar in meaning to ______.
A. "unloading"
B. "influencing"
C. "transferring"
D. "disseminating"
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the word "prospective" probably means ______.
A. intelligent
B. future
C. successful
D. hardworking
[单项选择]In last paragraph, the word "lobby" probably means "______".
A. persuade
B. approve
C. separate
D. imitate


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