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发布时间:2023-12-12 01:11:00

[单项选择]When he left ______college, he got a job as ______reporter in a newspaper office.
A. /; a
B. /;the
C. a; the
D. the; the

更多"When he left ______college, he got "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he left ______ college, he got a job as ______ reporter in a newspaper office.
A. /; a
B. /; the
C. a; the
D. the; the
[单项选择]He got a job so that he could be independent ______ his parents.
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. from
[单项选择]He got a job with the corporation in 1991 and has worked there ______.
A. since
B. ever since
C. ever before
D. till then
[单项选择]Ted got a better job and left the school before Mrs. Wolcox had him expelled.
A. disgraced
B. degraded
C. executed
D. ejected
[单项选择].——Where is Tom   ——He’s left saying that he has something important to do.
A. an excuse
B. a sentence
C. news
D. a message
[单项选择]She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company's client data, which she intended to ______ in starting her own business.
A. dwell on
B. base on
C. draw upon
D. come upon

If a child is left alone, he'll lose his zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.()

A. courage
B. direction
C. confidence
D. interest
[单项选择]When he lost his job he tried to _________ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]Since he left the university, he ______in an accounting company.
A. has been working
B. had worked
C. had been working
D. was working
[单项选择]When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of{{U}} {{/U}}he had seen in Spain.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. how
[单项选择]Tom got wet when he came home because it was raining very hard.
[单项选择]NO sooner had he got home than it began to rain heavily.
A. 他刚到家就开始下大雨了。
B. 他还没到家,就开始下大雨了。
C. 他在下大雨前,就到家厂。
D. 他到家前,就开始下大雨了。
[单项选择]– Mr. Smith hasn’t got married, has he – Yes, he has. _____, he has a daughter already.
A. As a matter of fact
B. As a rule
C. Instead
D. However
[单项选择]He got home two hours late and said he had been ______ in the office by business.
A. detached
B. detained
C. obstructed
D. obsessed
[单项选择]After Davison got into the bathroom, he
A. turned on the light.
B. attempted to hide in it.
C. made it look as if he were the owner of the flat.
D. recognized that it was a safe place.
[单项选择]He used to stay up very late,but now he has got used to going to bed early.
A. 他习惯于熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早上床睡觉了。
B. 他过去常常熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早上床睡觉了。
C. 他过去习惯熬夜很晚,但现在不得不很早上床睡觉。
D. 他过去熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早就上床睡觉了。


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