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发布时间:2023-10-10 08:47:47

[单项选择]Where was the friend when the conductor came
A. He was sitting on the seat.
B. He was standing beside Mark Twain.
C. He was lying under the seat.
D. He was lying on the seat.

更多"Where was the friend when the condu"的相关试题:

[填空题]I () a letter to my friend when he came in yesterday evening. 【write】  昨晚他来的时候我正在给一个朋友写信。
[单项选择]When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man.
A. Trevor was adding some decorations
B. Trevor was making some correction.
C. Trevor had just checked a few details
D. Trevor had almost finished the picture
[单项选择]I was annoyed by my friend who came late for our appointment but did not bother to ask how long I
A. waited
B. was waiting
C. have waited
D. had been waiting
[单项选择]When they came to claim the wallet, the police sergeant was ______.
A. amazed
B. disappointed
C. sad
D. happy
[单项选择]When he came back after graduation, he found his hometown completely ______.
A. changed
B. changing
C. to change
D. to be changed
[单项选择]Peter was seen crying when he came out of the office. We can deduce that he must have been punished.
A. confer
B. refer
C. prefer
D. infer
[单项选择]Tom got wet when he came home because it was raining very hard.
[单项选择]The next day Tom was dry when he came home because he didn’t want to play in the water any more.
[单项选择]When birds came to the garden, the monkey chased them away. The verb "chased" means__________.
A. drive out
B. get rid of
C. catch up with
D. keep up with
[单项选择]When I came back, I found my bicycle was .
A. missed
B. losing
C. robbed
D. gone
[单项选择]When Christmas came, Mrs. Brown's neighbor sent her a duck for her vegetables.
[单项选择]The driver was at()loss when word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.
A. a;/
B. a;the
C. the;the
D. /;/
[单项选择]She ______ TV when I came in.
[单项选择]I ______ my clothes when mother came back last night.
[单项选择]There was nobody ______ when we came round the corner.
A. out of sight
B. at sight
C. by sight
D. in sight


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