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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:25:38

[单项选择]We learn from the passage that______.
A. the population in the Pocono area is growing
B. wildlife in the Pocono area is dying out rapidly
C. the security of the Pocono residents is being threatened
D. farmlands in the Pocono area are shrinking fast

更多"We learn from the passage that_____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What can we learn from this passage
A. Kennedy was a good president.
B. If you experience victories, tragedy will surely fall on you.
C. The Kennedy family was rich because John Kennedy was the president.
D. Family fame, wealth and social position may not necessarily be beneficial.
[单项选择]What can we learn from the passage
A. It is very expensive to build a wind tunnel.
B. Wind tunnels are very essential in testing planes.
C. Scientists still have a lot to learn about wind tunnels.
D. There are new ways to feed air to the test section.
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that
A. most newly marketed drugs have side-effects
B. established drugs have serious effects
C. any unexpected effect of new drug is worth reporting
D. full reports should be sent of all the effects of all drugs
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that school authorities in Kalkaska are more concerned about ______.
[单项选择]we learn from the passage that coordinated efforts will be made by various U.S. government agencies to.
A. refuse the renewing of expired visas
B. ward off terrorist suspects at the border
C. prevent the forgery of immigration papers
D. limit the number of immigrants to the U.S.
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that the writer
A. is fed up with the Net opponents.
B. prefers people to the computer.
C. is addicted to the computer.
D. does not like human contact.
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that coordinated efforts will be made by various U.S. government agencies to ______.
A. refuse the renewing of expired visas.
B. ward off terrorist suspects at the border.
C. prevent the forgery of immigration papers.
D. limit the number of immigrants to the U. S.
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that navigation computers ______.
A. will greatly promote sales of automobiles
B. may help solve potential traffic problems
C. are likely to be accepted by more drivers
D. will soon be viewed as a symbol of luxury
[单项选择]From the passage we learn that many renters disagree with ______.
A. low-income families
B. builders and landlords
C. high-income families
D. the government
[单项选择]From its passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children ______.
[单项选择]From the passage we learn that among the following four groups of people _______.
A. fat women are over eighty percent water
B. thin men are never eighty percent water
C. new-born infants are over eighty percent water
D. elderly adults are over eighty percent water


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