A new kind of radar has been developed
for spaceship travelers. A working laboratory model of a new system of radar
that makes use of a beam of light is said to be ten thousand times more accurate
than the best comparable system of radar that used microwaves. The model has shown that this radar system, known as laser-doppler radar, can measure with absolute precision speeds varying from spaceship orbital injection (进入) velocities (速度) of five miles per second down to virtual stops—speeds of less than one ten thousandth of an inch per second. According to the scientists who are developing this system, such fine measures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions. In a rendezvous (对接) between two spaceships, or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station, a bump could rip open a ship’s skin, or a A. laser-doppler radar is more accurate than microwave radar B. microwave radar may not ensure absolute precision in measuring varying speeds C. the light-beam radar can measure only slow speeds with accuracy D. microwave radar operates at a higher frequency than laser-doppler radar [单选题]试验制动机减压时,口笛、号角明示方式为( )。
A.一长声 B.一短声 C.一长一短声 D.一短一长声 [单选题]差速器用以连接左右半轴,可使两侧车轮以不同角速度旋转同时传递扭矩,当汽车转弯时,行星齿轮( )。
A.只有自转 B.只有公转 C.既自转又公转 D.都不转 [单选题]铁路安全管理坚持安全第一、预防为主、( )的方针。
A.以人为本 B.综合治理 C.从严管理 D.全面治理 [简答题]安全分析包括哪些内容?
461/603、 临时存放爆破器材时,炸药与雷管应分开堆垛,两者间距不小于( )m。 A. 15 B. 25 C. 35 [单项选择]过敏性紫癜有关糖皮质激素治疗不正确的是()
A. 减少肾脏损害 B. 改善腹痛 C. 改善关节症状 D. 不能减轻紫癜 E. 不能防止复发 [多选题]PROFIBUS - DP 的物理层支持的传输介质是( ) 。
A.屏蔽双绞电缆 B.电话线 C.光缆 D.同轴电缆 E.蓝牙 [多选题]采用要素计点法进行岗位评价的工作程序包括( )。
A.选择评价要素 B.定义评价要素 C.确定要素等级 D.确定要素权重 E.按权重将各个岗位进行排序 [单项选择]输血的功用并不包括()
A. 对出血病人补充血容量 B. 纠正贫血 C. 改善凝血功能 D. 杀灭细菌抗感染 E. 提高血浆蛋白 [单项选择]Personal space, an updated form of Edward T. Hall’s 1966 proxemics, is the region surrounding each person, or that area which a person considers his domain or territory. Often if entered by another being without this being desired, it makes them feel uncomfortable. The amount of space a being (person, plant, animal) needs falls into two categories, individuate individual physical space (determined by imagined boundaries), and the space au individual considers theirs to live in (often called habitat).
What distance is appropriate for a particular social situation depends on culture. It is also a matter of personal preference. Personal space is highly variable. Those who live in a densely populated environment tend to have smaller personal space requirements. Thus a resident of India may have a smaller personal space than someone who is home on the Mongolian steppe, both in regard to home and individual. Personal space can be determined on a habitat level by profession, livelih A. Personal space means the space one occupies as a resident. B. The research of personal space originated from promexics. C. Not only human beings need personal space. D. Imagined boundaries and habitat consist one’s need of personal spac [多项选择]社交礼仪应遵循()原则。
A. 等级原则 B. 平等原则 C. 对等原则 D. 尊重原则 E. 民主原则 [简答题]提高功率因数的措施有哪些?
A.A型和O型 B.A型和B型 C.AB型和O型 D.B型和O型 [单项选择]独立变电所、半露天变电所和杆上变电台分别属于()。
A. 室外型、室内型、室外型 B. 室内型、室内型、室内型 C. 室外型、室外型、室内型 D. 室内型、室外型、室外型 [判断题]住房贷款“利率浮动方式”正常情况下应选择“浮动”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]S1
[单选题]目前工业上分离对、间二甲苯的方法主要有低温结晶分离法、络合分离法和模拟移动床( )法。
A.过滤 B.吸附 C.精馏 D.结晶 [多项选择]根据《检察官法》任职回避的规定,下列人员不应当回避的是( )。
A. 父亲是省检察院副检察长,女儿是市检察院检察员 B. 丈夫是副检察长,其妻子妹妹的女儿是检察院的检委会委员 C. 丈夫、妻子都在刑检厅,丈夫是检察员,妻子是书记员 D. 同胞兄弟在同一检察院,哥哥是副检察长,弟弟是助理检察员 [多选题]扰乱火灾现场秩序,或者拒不执行火灾现场指挥员指挥,影响灭火救援的,处( )。
A.警告 B.罚款 C.责令停产停业 D.十日以上十五日以下拘留 [单项选择]村民委员会或者村民委员会成员作出的决定侵害村民合法权益的,受侵害的村民可以申请()予以撤销,责任人依法承担法律责任。
A. 县级人民政府 B. 乡镇人民政府 C. 人民法院 D. 村长 [单选题]关于行政机关公务员处分的说法,下列哪一选项是正确的?
A.行政诉讼的生效判决撤销某行政机关所作的决定,即应给予该机关的负责人张某行政处分 B.工商局干部李某主动交代自己的违法行为,即应减轻处分 C.某环保局科长王某因涉嫌违纪被立案调查,即应暂停其履行职务 D.财政局干部田某因涉嫌违纪被立案调查,即不应允许其挂职锻炼 我来回答: 提交