The National Trust。
The National Trust in Britain plays an increasingly important part in the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support from the Government, it is not a rich government department. It is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and historic buildings of Britain. It is a charity which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members of the public. Its primary duty is to protect places of great natural beauty and places of historical interest.
The attention of the public was the first drawn to the dangers threatening the great old houses and the castles of Britain by the death of the Lord Lothian, who left his great seventeenth-century house to the Trust together with the 4500-acre park and estate surrounding it. This gift attracted wide publicity
A. Come in without permission.
B. Enter with invitation.
C. Visit in large numbers.
D. Appear all of a sudden.
Rhythm and blues, or R&B, is a{{U}}
(26) {{/U}}of music that came out of the jazz, blues and gospel music
that was being{{U}} (27) {{/U}}by African Americans{{U}} (28)
{{/U}}the 1930s and 1940s. Over the years, the term has commonly been used
to describe{{U}} (29) {{/U}}popular music this community was played at
the time. This more upbeat, exciting type of music caught on{{U}} (30)
{{/U}}a big way, and for the first time, African Americans{{U}} (31)
{{/U}}their own style of commercial music. In the late 1930s, many big bands broke up{{U}} (32) {{/U}}smaller units and formed "jump blues" bands{{U}} (33) {{/U}}played loud music with a strong dance beat, quickly{{U}} (34) {{/U}}popular in the dance halls at the time. Early R&B{{U}} (35) {{/U}}were those of Count Basie, Louis Jordan and Lionel Hampton. Basic had a hit A. accident B. gathering C. jam D. crowd [单选题]2.昏迷患者去枕仰卧的目的是
A.防止脑压过低 B.预防脑压过高 C.预防脑细胞缺氧 D.预防头痛 E.预防呼吸道并发症 [判断题]D类火灾是指固体火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]清收工作中,要坚持自主催收、法院诉讼、公安清收相结合的清收方式挽回信用社资金。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下各选项不属于组织结构设计后的实施要则的是( )。
A.管理系统一元化原则 B.分工协作原则 C.明确责任和权限原则 D.先定岗再定员原则 [单选题]煤矿井下远距离控制线路的额定电压,不得超过( )V9
A.220 B.127 C.36 [简答题]为解决馈线断路器的合理备用,牵引负荷侧电气接线有哪几种?
A.该定律基本内容是研究电路中各支路电流之间的关系 B.电路中任何一个节点(即3个以上的支路连接点叫节点)的电流其代数和为零,其数学表达式为ΣI=0 C.规定一般取流入节点的电流为正,流出节点的电流为负 D.基本内容是研究回路中各部分电流之间的关系 [单项选择]第49届世界卫生大会采纳WHA49.25号决议,宣布什么是世界范围内公共卫生的首要问题()。
A. 网络成瘾 B. 传染病 C. 肿瘤 D. 自伤 E. 暴力 [多选题]关于法的实施,下列哪些说法是错误的?( )
A.法的实现与法的实施是同一概念 B.执法主体具有特定性,仅行政机关及其公职人员可以作为执法的主体 C.在执法活动中,效率原则是最重要的原则 D.执法具有主动性和单方面性 [简答题]朱某系有妇之夫,与年轻貌美的胡某认识后,二人关系日渐密切,后来发展到公开以夫妻名义同居。后胡某又认识赵某,感到赵某可靠,二人准备结婚。朱某得知后,非常气愤,对胡某进行殴打,并称胡如和赵某结婚,就打断胡的双腿,刮烂胡的脸。胡某不堪忍受,服毒自尽。朱某的行为应如何处理,请说明理由。
A.设置围栏 B.挂上警告标示牌 C.设置围栏并挂上警告标示牌 D.以上都不对 E./ F./ G./ H./ [判断题]因连续+时降雨量或重点区段连续+24时降雨量达到警戒值限速的,若为山区铁路,对限速区间内的高堤深堑等汛期防洪地点区段,工务部门根据设备情况,可继续限速24小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]下沙轮次母糟用量为高粱量的( ) ,下造沙轮次拌料尾酒用量( ) 。
A. 1135 B. 1234 C. 4622 D. 4322 [单选题]超声波换能器通常是用压电材料制作,不是压电材料的是( )。
A.锆钛酸铅 B.石英 C.钛酸钡 D.镍 [多选题]管理控制与一般控制的相同点是( )。
A.同是一个信息反馈过程 B.都有两个前提条件 C.都有一个相同的目的 D.都是一个有组织的系统 [单项选择]
Since the first reported case of AIDS in the United States in 1981, the disease has spread both numerically and geographically. According to the World Health Organization, 28 million people in the world already carry the AIDS virus. What is most alarming is that the disease is not only found in homosexuals, prostitutes or drug abusers, but also in innocent people, including children. In some countries in Africa, the situation is very serious indeed. [判断题]化学灾害事故排除险情,应在单位技术人员的指导下进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来人员工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知(____)。
A.作业时间 B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.危险点 D.安全注意事项 [单项选择]某施工企业资产负债情况如下:资产总额2 600万元,其中货币资金320万元,应收及预付款项260万元,存货680万元,长期投资240万元,固定资产980万元,固定资产使用年限5年,预计残值20万元;无形资产及其他资产120万元;负债总额1 080万元,其中流动负债530万元。请对以下25~29题做出选择。
本施工企业的非流动资产数额为( )万元。 A. 2 020 B. 1 340 C. 1 100 D. 2 280 [单选题]学生既是教育的对象,又是教育过程中的主体。学生主体作用的最高表现形式为( )
A.自觉性 B.独立性 C.主动性 D.创造性 [单选题]对于按照规定需要进行第三方监测的危大工程,()应当委托具有相应勘察资质的单位进行监测。
A.施工单位 B.建设单位 C.监理单位 D.施工项目部 E.略 F.略 [多选题]经( )运输动物和动物产品的,托运人托运时应当提供检疫证明;没有检疫证明的,承运人不得承运。
A.铁路 B.公路 C.航空 D.水路 [单项选择]肾脏功能障碍可表现为下列功能的障碍,除了()
A. 排出代谢产物、毒物和药物 B. 水电解质平衡、酸碱平衡 C. 血压调节 D. 生成1-(OH)D3 E. 分泌肾素,促红细胞生成素 [判断题]信贷资产证券化发起机构是指通过设立特定目的信托转让信贷资产的金融机构。( )
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