The first man who cooked his food,
instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or
where he lived. We do know, however, that (1) thousands of
years food was always eaten cold and (2) . Perhaps the cooked
food was heated accidentally by a (3) fire or by the melted
lava from an erupting (4) . When people first tasted food
that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (5)
after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity
(6) man learned how to make and light (7)
. Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (8) their food. For example, in the desert (9) of the so A. by B. on C. over D. at [单项选择]ZKRT-300型机器人的电路板有一个()串口接口,可以用来实现程序的在线下载。
A. DB7 B. DB8 C. DB9 D. DB13 [多选题]维修工区负责接触网设备全面检查、( )和( )。
A.一级修(临时修) B.二级修(综合修) C.专项整治 D.应急抢修 [单选题]设备运行过程中产生故障工单时,系统自动向故障短信接收人发送提醒短信;每台设备最多可设置______名短信接收人。
A.1名 B.2名 C.3名 D.5名 [单项选择]电车公司维修站有7辆电车需要进行维修。如果用一名工人维修这7辆电车的修复时间分别为:12、17、8、18、23、30、14分钟。每辆电车每停开1分钟经济损失11元。现在由3名工作效率相同的维修工人各自单独工作,要使经济损失减到最小程度,最少损失多少元
A. 2321 B. 2156 C. 1991 D. 1859 [多项选择]在下列固定资产中,应计提折旧的有( )。
A. 大修理停用的固定资产 B. 报废的固定资产 C. 已提足折旧继续使用的固定资产 D. 季节性停用的固定资产 E. 未使用的固定资产 [单选题]下列施工机具中,可以将人送到施工层的是( )。
A. 井架 B. 龙门架 C. 塔吊 D. 施工电梯 [判断题]由于冷物流被加热后有相变化,在传热操作中开车时要排不凝性气体。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交