Eight thousand years ago, forests
covered more than 23 million square miles, or about 40 percent of Earth’s land
surface. Today, almost half of those forests have fallen to the ax, the chain
saw, the matchstick, or the bulldozer. A map unveiled in March by the Washington-based World Resources Institute not only shows the locations of former forests, but also assesses the condition of today’s forests worldwide. Institute researchers developed the map with the help of the World Conservation Monitoring Center, the World Wildlife Fund, and 90 forest experts from a variety of universities, government organizations, and environmental groups. Only one-fifth of the remaining forests are still "frontier forests", defined as a relatively undisturbed natural forests large enough to support all of their native species. Frontier forests offer a number of be A. (A) the World Conservation Monitoring Centre B. (B) the United Nations Development Program C. (C) the World Wildlife Fund D. (D) the World Resources Institute [单选题]党委对党支部上报的接收预备党员的决议,最长应在( )个月内审批,并报上级党委组织部门备案。
A.十二 B.九 C.三 D.六 [填空题]Scientists have developed a new cancer drug. So far, they have tested it only on (36) animals. The drug is designed to (37) and kill cancer cells but not healthy cells.
First, the drug enters the cancer and destroys the supply of blood. Then it releases (38) to destroy the cancer cells. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge carried out the study. The (39) appeared in Nature (40) . A school news release called the drug an "anti-cancer smart bomb." Ram Sasisekharan is a professor at M.I.T. He says his team had to (41) three problems. They had to find a way to destroy the blood vessels, then to (42) the growth of new ones. But they also needed the blood vessels to supply chemicals to destroy the cancer. So, the researchers designed a two-part "nanocell". The cell is (43) in nanometers, or one thousand millionth of a meter. (44) . The scientist [判断题]一个用户内任一个计量点应对应唯一配变。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]增速滑轮组常用于( )的起升机构。
A.电动 B.气动 C.液压 D.高速 [判断题]机车、车辆中具有最大标准公差的新车和磨耗限度的旧车,停放在水平直线上,允许超出机车车辆限界轮廓。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]移动电气设备电源应采用高强度铜芯橡皮护套硬绝缘电缆( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]飞行中操作扰流板伸出()
A.增加机翼上翼面的面积以提高升力 B.阻挡气流的流动,增大阻力 C.增加飞机抬头力矩,辅助飞机爬升 [单项选择]燃油锅炉在炉膛内()方式传递的热量占首位。
A. 辐射 B. 对流 C. 导热 D. A或B或C [单项选择]硫酸链霉素、硫酸庆大霉素的鉴别方法是( )。
A. 三氯化铁反应 B. 硫色素反应 C. 茚三酮反应 D. 与碱性酒石酸铜试液反应 E. 双缩脲反应 [单项选择]下列有关影响两自由度陀螺稳定性因素的说法正确是()。
A. 干扰力矩越大稳定性越高 B. 干扰力矩越小稳定性越高 C. 转子自转角速度越小稳定性越高 [判断题]负控终端的485抄表端口最多可以采集16块电能表。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业会计造假,违背的会计信息质量要求主要是()。
A. 实质重于形式 B. 及时性 C. 可靠性 D. 谨慎性 [单项选择]对于一个将被转发的IP报文,匹配了路由表中多条路由,选择路由表中哪一条路由对这个IP报文转发首先取决于()
A. 路由表中目的IP网段的掩码长度 B. 路由的Preference C. 路由的Cost/Metric D. 路由的下一跳 [单选题]自给式呼吸器,可供使用的时间至少为( )
A.60分钟 B.50分钟 C.20分钟 D.30分钟 [判断题]由架空线路的电杆到用户室外的第一支持物之间的一段引线,称之为接户线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不属于青色主病的是
A. 寒证 B. 痛证 C. 瘀血 D. 惊风 E. 虚证 [单选题] 商店建筑、展览建筑采用三级耐火等级建筑时,不应超过()层。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]在Excel中,不属于垂直对齐方式的单元格的“对齐”方式是()。
A. 靠上 B. 常规 C. 居中 D. 靠下 [简答题]什么是制粉厂的皮磨系统?
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