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发布时间:2023-10-15 15:00:19

[单项选择]A free lookout ______ the hills with binoculars.
A. scanned
B. scrutinized
C. explored
D. swept

更多"A free lookout ______ the hills wit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Moving down the hills and around the curves, the ______ of cars was not able to proceed faster than twenty miles an hour.
A. possession
B. procession
C. procedure
D. process
[单项选择]The airplane ______ in the hills.
A. smashed
B. crashed
C. clashed
D. flashed
[单项选择]Above the trees are the hills, ______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.
A. where
B. of whose
C. whose
D. which
[单项选择]Above the trees are hills, ______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.
A. where
B. of whose
C. whose
D. which
[单项选择]The hills will be covered with young trees ______ a few years’ time.
[单项选择]We spent the whole day in the hills and didn't ______ till dark.
[单项选择]We have never seen such {{U}}gorgeous{{/U}} hills.
A. beautiful
B. stretching
C. spreading
D. rolling
[单项选择]San Francisco climbs and falls over numerous hills, which provides ________ views of the wide bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.
A. flashy
B. transient
C. breathtaking
D. ambiguous
[填空题]一般情况下向开证行寄单和索偿的是(),该行寄单时随附BP(HILLS PURCHASHD )通知书,或称为()通知书, 又称()。
[单项选择]free skin graft 分为( )
A. 表层皮片、刃厚皮片、中厚皮片
B. 表层皮片、全厚皮片、中厚皮片
C. 刃厚皮片、厚中厚皮片、全厚皮片
D. 游离皮片移植、皮瓣移植、管状皮瓣移植
E. 游离皮片移植、皮瓣移植
[单项选择]The constitutional guarantee of free speech may have been aimed at protecting native speakers of English from censorship, but it is not a great ______ to interpret it as protecting the right to express oneself in any natural language or dialect.
A. mystery
B. extension
C. sacrifice
D. condemnation
[单项选择]Mrs. White was free every day.
[单项选择]The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. At present there are ___________ countries within the Commonwealth (1991).
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60
[单项选择]The distinction between free morpheme and bound morpheme is whether morphemes can be other morphemes.
A. connected to
B. independent of
C. supplemented to
D. reliable on
[单项选择]Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ______ sickness.
A. normal
B. regular
C. average
D. ordinary


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