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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:12:29

[单项选择]Perhaps we need to clear up these books to make _____ for our new students.
A. place
B. area
C. way
D. room

更多"Perhaps we need to clear up these b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and ______ at an ever increasing rate.
A. canceled
B. dissipated
C. discarded
D. concealed
[单项选择]______ we need air and water, we need criticism and self criticism.
A. Even though
B. So long as
C. Just as
D. Now that
[单项选择]We should always make sure that we control technology rather than have it control us.
A. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术而不是让技术控制我们。
B. 我们应该确保由我们来技术控制更愿意让技术控制我们。
C. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术不愿意让它控制我们。
D. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术比让技术控制我们要好。
[单项选择]______ we need air and water, so we need criticism and self-criticism.
A. Even though
B. So long as
C. Just as
D. Now that
[单项选择]We need one hundred more signatures before we take the ______ to the governor.
A. plea
B. petition
C. patent
D. claim
[单项选择]When we make friends, we might consider the other person's age because ______.
A. it is not easy to stay friends with someone who shows a clear difference in maturity
B. the degree of friendship between two people and the reason for their shared interest can vary greatly
C. friends need to know all these things
D. this is the most important factor to making friends
[单项选择]______ we need air and water, so do we need criticism and self-criticism.
A. Even though
B. So long as
C. Just as
D. Now that
[单项选择]The local authorities realized the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programmes.
A. preparation
B. requirement
C. specification
D. provision
[单项选择]Many local authorities realize the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programmes.
A. assistance
B. condition
C. admittance
D. provision
[单项选择]Speaker A: I need to make a hotel reservation for my father. Speaker B:______
A. Why does your father want to stay in a hotel
B. Is your father going abroad
C. But do you know how to make a reservation
D. How about calling the travel agency
[单项选择]We can make but little progress if we continue to learn only through the medium of our eyes.
A. 如果我们学习还是只用我们的眼睛,就不会有进展。
B. 如果我们仅用眼睛学习,是不会进步很大的。
C. 如果眼睛是我们学习的唯一媒介,我们是不容易进步的。
D. 仅继续用眼睛学习,不可能取得任何细小的进步。


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