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发布时间:2023-10-05 04:04:53

[单项选择]Britain's press is unusual ______ it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press.
A. in how
B. in what
C. in which
D. in that

更多"Britain's press is unusual ______ i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Britain's press is unusual______ it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press.
A. in how
B. in what
C. in which
D. in that
[单项选择]Britain's press is unusual ______ it is divided into two very different types of newspapers: the quality press and the popular press.
A. in how
B. in what
C. in which
D. in that
[单项选择]The island of Great Britain itself is divided into the following parts EXCEPT

Text 2 Britain’s richest people have experienced the biggest-ever rise in their wealth, according to the Sunday Times Rich List. Driven by the new economy of Internet and computer entrepreneurs, the wealth of those at the top of the financial tree has increased at an unprecedented rate. The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the country’s richest 1,000 people reached nearly 146 billion by January, the cut-off point for the survey. They represented an increase of 31 billion, or 27%, in just 12 months. Since the survey was compiled, Britain’s richest have added billions more to their wealth, thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market. This has pushed up the total value of the wealth of the richest 1,000 to a probable 160 billion according to Dr. Philip Beresford, Britain’s acknowledged expert on personal wealth who compiles the Sunday Times Rich List. The millennium boom exceeds anything in Britain
A. January -- the deadline for the survey.
B. 31 million --the increase of wealth in just 12 months.
C. 160 million -- the total value of the wealth of the richest 1000.
D. 146 billion -- the collective worth of the country’s richest 1000 people.


Text 4 Britain’s bosses would have you believe that business in Britain is groaning under red tape and punitive tax levels, inhibiting enterprise and putting British firms at a disadvantage compared with overseas competitors. As usual, reality paints a far different picture from the tawdry image scrawled by the CBI and Tory frontbenchers. Not only do British businesses pay lower levels of corporation tax than their counterparts abroad but they benefit from the most savage legal hamstringing of trade unionism. But boardroom fat cats in Britain have one further advantage over their competitors, which is their total inability to feel any sense of shame. The relatively poor performance since the 1990s of pension investment funds, overseen by the top companies themselves, has brought about a wide-ranging cull of occupational pension schemes. Final salary schemes have been axed in favour of money purchase or have been barred to new employees and, in many companies, staff h
A. the bosses
B. the government
C. the CPAG
D. the employees

[单项选择]The author's attitude toward Britain's universal health-care system is______.
A. objective
B. subjective
C. partial
D. extreme
[单项选择]The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()
A. Adam Smith
B. John Maynard Keynes
C. Margaret Thatcher
D. Karl Marx
[单项选择]Britain's protection to informants is not perfect in that ______.
A. the Public Interest Disclosure Act came fully into force only last year
B. it treats informants as witnesses acting in the public interest
C. informants are threatened with the possibility of losing their jobs
D. informants are considered as merely pursuing a personal complaint
[单项选择]Britain.s leading customers and suppliers are France,Germany and()
A. Japan
B. Belgium
C. the Netherlands
D. the United States
[单项选择]Britain’s longest rivers are().
A. the Severn and the Clyde
B. the Thames and the Clyde
C. the Clyde and the Humber
D. the Severn and the Thames


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