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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:13:38

[单项选择]He washed his face ______.
A. cleaned
B. cleaning
C. to be clean
D. clean

更多"He washed his face ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择] I could see from his face that he__ bad news.
A. had received
B. receives
C. received
D. has received
[单项选择]______ the look on his face, he wasn't satisfied with their performance.
A. To judge by
B. Judging by
C. Judge by
D. To be judged by
[单项选择]He raised his arms to ______his face from the blow.
A. protest
B. protect
C. prevent
D. keep
[单项选择]The ______ on his face told me that he was angry.
A. impression
B. sight
C. appearance
D. look
[单项选择]The ___________ on his face told me that he was angry.
A. impression
B. sight
C. appearance
D. look
[单项选择]His face gave him ______ when he told a lie.
A. in
B. up
C. away
D. out
[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to ______ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]______when he saw his wife's face did Tom realize the true meaning of her remark.
A. Just
B. Never
C. Only
D. Usually
[单项选择]When he lost his job he tried to _________ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]He ______ his work to his colleagues before he went abroad.
A. transferred
B. commenced
C. delivered
D. commended
[单项选择]He would have finished his university study but he ______ to quit and find a job to support his family.
A. had had
B. has
C. had
D. would have
[单项选择]The doctor enjoyed both his work and his life. He had never felt any __________ between these two things.
A. conflict
B. constrict
C. constraint
D. construct
[单项选择]To his great joy he discovered that his car was becoming ______.
A. sensitive
B. sensible
C. sentimental
D. sensational
[单项选择]After he has written his paper, he found some additional material()he should have included.
A. that
B. of which
C. in which
D. whom
[单项选择]The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not ______. A) feel well B) know the time for lunch C) hear the lunch bell I)) have the money
[单项选择]He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he ______ in a colleague at work.
A. involved
B. joined
C. engrossed
D. confided


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