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发布时间:2023-10-23 09:33:32

[单项选择]In order to grow well, the Blue Sprace, like other pine trees, ______ a temperate climate.
A. require
B. requires
C. is required
D. that requires

更多"In order to grow well, the Blue Spr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In order to grow well, the Blue Sprace, like other pine trees, ______ a temperate climate.
A. require
B. requires
C. is required
D. that requires
[单项选择]This flower does not grow well in soils ______the one for which it has been specially developed.
A. beyond
B. rather than
C. outside
D. other than
[单项选择]______water to grow is well-known.
A. That flowers need
B. These flowers need
C. That flower needs
D. Flowers need
[单项选择]A) grow C) become
B) like D) expect

A. grow
B. like
C. become
D. expect
[单项选择]The pollution problem as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in __________ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. session
C. conference
D. convention
[单项选择]The problem of pollution as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. convention
B. conference
C. session
D. assembly
[单项选择]Banks compete for customers just like other places of business, so you can shop around for the best bargains.
A. 银行业也像其他行业一样为争取顾客而竞争,所以选择银行时要货比三家。
B. 银行业也像其他地方一样为顾客竞争,所以要到最合适的廉价商店购物。
C. 银行业也像其他地方一样为顾客竞争,所以存钱时最好讨价还价。
D. 银行业也像其他行业一样为争取顾客而竞争,所以要选择最好的。
[单项选择]The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. conference
C. convention
D. session
[单项选择]You get a chance like this only in a blue moon.
A. 这可是千载难逢的机会呀!
B. 你得到了一次只有在蓝月亮上才会有的机会。
C. 你得到的机会只有在蓝月亮上才会有。
D. 你得到了几乎得不到的机会。
[单项选择]In China as well as many other countries around the world,greathave been made to reduce the amount of carbon emission.
A. affects
B. efforts
C. affords
D. effects
[单项选择]Mary doesn't like blue () red.But ().
A. or;Lily does
B. and;does Lily
C. nor;Lily is
D. neither;is Lily
[单项选择]Annette Bearden, as well as other nurses, protested against the system because ______.
A. she could not work as a professional
B. she could not feel trust from the hospital
C. she could not get used to being watched
D. she could not show confidence in her job
[单项选择]The textbook question as well as other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in ________ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. convention
C. conference
D. session
[单项选择]Like other religious groups, the Christian church's strong emphasis on holiness is essential to salvation.
A. deemed
B. doomed
C. destined
D. depicted


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