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发布时间:2024-01-13 21:46:16

[单项选择]______ he can quickly seize the chance of business.
A. Having been well informed
B. Having well informed
C. To be well informed
D. To have been well informed

更多"______ he can quickly seize the cha"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He is quite thoughtless, for very seldom can he ______ other people' s troubles.
A. agree with
B. interfere with
C. identify with
D. rest with
[单项选择]How can he do so much work He ______ stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends.
[单项选择]The author concludes that only shared myths can help Americans to______.
A. bring about the uniformity of their culture
B. diminish their great individual differences
C. regain the feelings of social values and morale
D. avoid the sense of being isolated and anxious
[单项选择]It can he inferred from the passage that the author was ______. ( )
A. a scientist as well as a naturalist
B. a naturalist but not a scientist
C. no more than a born naturalist
D. first of all a scientist
[单项选择]Henry Ford's statement can he taken negatively because ______.
A. working people are discouraged to fight for their fights
B. there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists
C. there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor
D. public services are not run by the federal government
[单项选择]He now can vote, he can enter into financial contracts, and he is _________to run for public office.
A. attributed
B. entitled
C. credited
D. presented
[单项选择]--Can he get the first prize for running --Impossible now. He ______ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.
A. was expected
B. would expect
C. has expected
D. is expected
[单项选择]--Can he get the first prize for running --Impossible now. He ______ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.
A. was expected
B. would expect
C. has expected
D. is expected
[单项选择]How can he ______ without money for food during the journey
A. get together
B. get along
C. get back
D. get down
[单项选择]______ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.
A. To be given
B. Having been given
C. Having given
D. Giving
[单项选择]Did he tell you what ______ if he had a chance
A. was he going to do
B. he would do
C. be had done
D. had to do
[单项选择]He hopes he can visit the United Nations building while he ______ in New York next summer.
A. has been
B. is
C. will be
D. shall be
[单项选择]He is always working()he can.
A. as hardly as
B. as hard as
C. so hardly as
D. so hard as
[单项选择]He didn't give up although he had ______ chance of success.
A. little
B. a few
C. a little
D. few
[单项选择]He is a good leader. He can distinguish practical questions from moral issues and he knows when to ______ and when to fight.
A. struggle
B. compromise
C. compete
D. strive


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