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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:15:33

[单项选择]Since the redesign of the assembly line, the productivity ______.
A. is improved
B. is improving
C. improves
D. has been improved.

更多"Since the redesign of the assembly "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the new assembly line is complete, the factory will turn ______ one thousand cars per day.
A. in
B. off
C. out
D. over
[单项选择]An assembly line is ______.
A. a production line where each worker does only a small part of work to complete a product
B. a house where many cars could be built in a single day
C. a place where Henry could limit himself to the few tools for the task
D. a workshop where the Model T was first produced in 1913
[单项选择]The background music in an assembly line is designed ______.
A. being not listened to
B. not being listened to
C. to be not listened to
D. not to be listened to
[单项选择]The invention of the assembly line enabled Henry Ford
A. to create more jobs for the unemployed.
B. to write a book on history.
C. to reduce the price of his cars to $260.
D. to cut the production of his cars by 50%.
[单项选择]Income elasticity of demand for a particular product: ( )
[单项选择]The British constitution is a large extent a product of the historical events described above.
A. within
B. to
C. by
D. at
[单项选择]Under which type of market structure are the production and pricing alternatives of a firm most affected by the decisions of its competitors()
A. Monopoly.
B. Perfect competition.
C. Oligopoly.
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that the producers are focusing on the adolescent market because
[单项选择]The Japanese worker is fond of his company's products because of
A. his marriage with the daughter of the president.
B. the close link between him and his company.
C. his willingness to work overtime.
D. his active participation in quality control
[单项选择]Because the United States has little tin, () produced in the rest of the world.
A. tin is used
B. it uses tin
C. uses of tin
D. uses tin
[单项选择]In maple syrup (枫糖浆) production, which state produces the most
A. Both New York and Vermont.
B. Either New York or Vermont.
C. New York.
D. Vermont.
[单项选择]Encouraging people to buy more ______ higher production, employment and more wealth.
A. result from
B. result on
C. result in
D. result for
[单项选择]Texas and Louisiana ______ the nation in the production of sulfur and are also important salt mining states.
A. lead
B. take
C. contribute
D. offer


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