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发布时间:2023-10-20 20:10:19

[单项选择]Stratford-upon-Avon is a famous place where______ was born.
A. John Milton
B. Ben Johnson
C. William Shakespeare
D. Thomas Gray

更多"Stratford-upon-Avon is a famous pla"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Stratford-upon-Avon is a famous place where ______ was born.
A. John Milton
B. Ben Johnson
C. William Shakespeare
D. Thomas Gray
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______ in his world famous Gulliver’s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______in his world famous Gulliver' s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]What is Valencia famous for
A. Its seaport
B. Its university
C. Its churches and museums
D. Its parks and gardens
[单项选择]Which two speeches made Emerson famous
A. Nature and Essays.
B. Representative Men and English Traits.
C. Nature and English Traits.
D. The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address.
[单项选择]Emily Bronte was most famous for
A. Wuthering Heights
B. Jane Eyre
C. Oliver Twist
D. Paradise Lost
[单项选择]Why did the famous scientists become successful [A] Because they remembered all the facts. [B] Because they knew how to study. [C] Because they didn't get everything from school.
[单项选择]Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her {{U}}coverage{{/U}} of significant events during the Second World War.
A. baggage
B. orphanage
C. reportage
D. usage
[单项选择]Nathaniel Hawthorne was most famous for his
A. The Last of the Mohicans
B. The Adventures of Torn Sawyer
C. Moby Dick
D. Scarlet Letter
[单项选择]The famous trial scene between Portia and Shylock comes from ______.
[单项选择]At the international conference, the famous scientist gave an excellent report ______ on his recent experiment.
A. basing
B. based
C. to be based
D. to base
[单项选择]The author thinks that although rich and famous people are often said to be cleverer than they really are _____.
A. Elizabeth almost certainly did not deserve this praise.
B. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was extremely clever.
C. Elizabeth was not well-known for her hand-writing.
D. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was famous and cynical.


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