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发布时间:2023-10-19 19:47:50

[单项选择]Jenny and Jessica have short hair. Nicky and Jade have long hair. Jade, Jenny and Nicky are tall. Jessica is not. Jade does not wear spectacles, the others do. Which of the following statements must be true
A. Jade and Jenny are tall and have long hair.
B. Jenny and Jessica have short hair and are tall.
C. Jessica and Nicky wear spectacles and have short hair.
D. Jessica and Jenny have short hair and wear spectacles.

更多"Jenny and Jessica have short hair. "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jenny and Jessica have short hair. Nicky and Jade have long hair. Jade, Jenny and Nicky are tall. Jessica is not. Jade does not wear spectacles, the others do. Which of the following statements must be true
A. Jade and Jenny are tall and have long hair.
B. Jenny and Jessica have short hair and are tall.
C. Jessica and Nicky wear spectacles and have short hair.
D. Jessica and Jenny have short hair and wear spectacles.
[单项选择] You have enabled the Slow Query Log for a short period. When you process the Slow Query Log, you receive the following snip of output: Count: 100 Time=0 .22a (22s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=0.0 (0), root[root] @localhost CREATE TABLE 't1' (id serial,id0 varchar(N) unique key,intcaoll INT (N) ,intco12 INT(N) ,intco13 INT(N) ,intco14 INT(N) ,intco15 INT(N) ,charcol1 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol2 VARCHAR(N) charcol3 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol4 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol5 VARCHAR(N) charcol6 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol7 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol8 VARCHAR(N) charcol9 VARCHAR (N) .charcol 10 VACHAR (N) ) Count: 64000 Time-0.02s (1213s) Lock=0.00s (6s) Rows=1.0 (64000), root [root]@ localhost SELECT intocl1, intco12, intco13, intco14, intco15, intco16,intco17, intco18 ,intcol9, intcol10, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3, charcol4, charcol5, charcol6 ,charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = 's' Count: 1 Time=0.02s (0s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=1.0 (1) agent [agent] @localhost SELECT Select_priv, Repl_client_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Process_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE CONCAT (user, 's', host) = CURRENT_USER ( ) Count: 48000 Time=0.02s (778s) Lock=0.00 (3s) Rows=1.0 (48000), root[root]@localhost SELECT intocl1,intcol2,intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3 ,charcol4, charcol5, charcol6, charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = 's' You want to tune the query such that it provides the greatest overall time savings. Which query will accomplish this?()
A. CHEATE TABLE 't1' (id serial, id0 varchar (N) unique key, intcol1 INT (N) ,intcol2 INT (N), intcol3 INT(N) ,intcol4 INT(N), intcol5 INT(N), charool1 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol2 VARCHAR (N), charcol3 VARCHAR(N), charcol4 VARCHAR(N), charcol5 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol6 VARCHAR (N), charcol7 VARCHAR(N), charcol8 VARCHAR(N), charcol9 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol10 VARCHAR (N)
B. SELECT intcol1, intcol2, intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, intcol6, intcol7, intcol8, intcol9, Intcol10, intcol11, intcol12, intcol13, intcol14, intcol15, intcol16, intcol17, intcol18, intcol19, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = 's'
C. SELECT Select_priv, Repl_client_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Process_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE CONCAT (user,'s', host) = CURRENT_USER()
D. SELECT intcol1, intcol2, intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3, charcol4, charcol5, charcol6, charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = 's'
[单项选择]Why are jade and jade finders mentioned in the passage
A. Because jade finders used the compass to detect lodestone.
B. Because jade was hard enough to make the compass.
C. Because jade finders were possibly the inventors of the compass.
D. Because jade and lodestone were found in the same mountains.
[单项选择]I am going to have a short rest as I ______ a headache.
A. take
B. have
C. feel
D. suffer
A. 杰德
B. 埃尔法
C. 杰路驰
D. 卡罗拉
[单项选择]You have applications that have frequently executed queries, and produce small and static result sets.You configure the sqlnet.ora file in the client machine to set a nonzero value for the OCI_RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE parameter. What is the purpose of this configuration?()
A. to avoid round trips to the server by enabling caching of query results in client memory
B. to improve performance by storing a copy of the data from the private SQL area of the PGA
C. to enhance the query performance by creating a cache in the client memory for sorting operations
D. to avoid the storing of query plans and results in the server by creating a cache in the client memory
[单项选择]The following short passage is mainly about
A. knowledge acquisition research.
B. knowledge-based system development.
C. the conceptual computational structures.
D. the cognitive processes.
[单项选择]Continuous short buzzes on the telephone indicate that the line is busy after you dial the telephone number.
A. open
B. out of order
C. disengaged
D. in use
[单项选择]Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content ______ talking about.
A. worthwhile
B. worthily
C. worth
D. worthy
[单项选择]Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression
A. Religion and immortality.
B. Life and death.
C. Love and marriage.
D. War and peace.
[单项选择]Professor White has written some short stories but he is known ______ for his plays.
A. the best
B. more
C. better
D. the more
[单项选择]The short stories often with surprise endings such as "The Gift of Magi" and "The Last Leaf" are written by ______.
A. O. Henry
B. Theodore Dreiser
C. William Faulkner
D. Jack London
[单项选择]After the Second World War fashionable short skirts ______ to ankle length.
A. shortened
B. dropped
C. lowered
D. lengthen
[单项选择]We have received the remittance, but have to point out that 600 U.S. dollars is still ().
A. due
B. expected
C. deserved
D. scheduled


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