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发布时间:2023-10-23 11:38:54

[单项选择]The drunk man was running from side to side in the crowd and he knocked into ______.
A. one person after another
B. one by one
C. a man and woman
D. persons after persons

更多"The drunk man was running from side"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The drunk man was running from side to side in the crowd and he knocked into
A. one person after another
B. one by one
C. a man and woman
D. persons after persons
[单项选择]Nowadays living away and running away from home ______.
A. never happen
B. often worry parents and teachers
C. are very popular
D. are accepted by people
[单项选择]Marketing is()just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.
A. rather than
B. other than
C. bigger than
D. more than
[单项选择]"Sandwich" is from a man's name. The man was ______.
[单项选择]A drunk man walked in, ______ both in appearance and odor.
A. repulsive
B. reluctant
C. reproachful
D. reputed
[单项选择]We did not buy any fish from that man because ______ .
[单项选择]The most important advances made by man come from ______.
A. technical applications
B. apparently useless information
C. the natural sciences
D. the study of philosophy
[单项选择]Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted because_________.
A. people use too many man-made materials
B. the pupulation of the world is increasing faster
C. we are producing more cars, trucks and buses
D. we have more and more industry.
[单项选择]Man uses the energy for everything from flying to the moon to ______ about it.
A. think
B. thought
C. thinking
D. will think
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that man' s need to know is chiefly important in that it ______.
A. allows the human race to progress technically
B. comprises both the physical and social sciences
C. demonstrates human adaptability
D. defines his essential humanity
[单项选择]We can conclude from the passage that a man who is about to be executed will feel
A. emotions we cannot predict
B. desperate
C. apathetic
D. depressed
[单项选择]Which one of the followings would the man from Australia agree to
A. The speed reader is a good service.
B. Saving time while reading is important.
C. Downloading is quite easy and cheap.
D. Research on reading is made easier.
[单项选择]How long has the man suffered from the symptoms he described

A. One week.
B. One month.
C. Two months.
D. Half a year.


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