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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:18:14

[单项选择]You look ______ in blue while red clothes are nice ______ her.
A. well, for
B. well, to
C. good, at
D. good, on

更多"You look ______ in blue while red c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You look ______ in blue while red clothes are nice ______ her.
A. well, for
B. well, to
C. good, at
D. good, on
[单项选择]Mary doesn't like blue () red.But ().
A. or;Lily does
B. and;does Lily
C. nor;Lily is
D. neither;is Lily
[单项选择]A: You look more beautiful in such a nice dress.B: ______
[单项选择]A: Helen. You look great! You’re much slimmer than last time I saw you. B: _____ Actually I’ve been on a diet and I’ve been doing a keep-fit class too.
A. Well, yes.
B. No, thanks
C. You’re flattering me.
D. Are you kidding
[单项选择]You look tired; you______ have stayed up late last night.
A. should
B. must
C. would
D. may
[单项选择]Look, what you have done! You ______ must have been move careful.
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. would
[单项选择]You look tired; you __________ have stayed up late last night.
A. must
B. should
C. would
D. may
[单项选择]Look, if you were interested in science, it would be like having a chance to rub shoulders with people of Einstein's ______.
A. status
B. statue
C. statute
D. stature
[单项选择]Look! Do you______ anything
[单项选择]The five rings on the flag are Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green. In how many different ways could the rings have been arranged in colour order
A. 120.
B. 100.
C. 80.
D. 60.
[单项选择]When you look at them, you imagine your eyes aching in the intense ______ of the desert in heat.
A. flare
B. glitter
C. glare
D. spark
[单项选择]How nice to see you again! You should have told me before you ______.
A. are coming
B. have come
C. will come
D. were coming
[单项选择]It is nice that you have someone ______ you off.
A. have seen
B. saw
C. see
D. to see
[单项选择]You look tired. Do you ______ a rest
A. like having
B. feel like having
C. like have
D. feel like to have
[单项选择]It is ()nice of you to say so.
A. true
B. real
C. really
[单项选择]You look very well after your holiday; you have ______ weight.
A. put on
B. put up with
C. put away
D. put out


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