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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:18:20

[单项选择]--I am afraid the car is______ out of gas. --I think so.
A. getting
B. using
C. making
D. running

更多"--I am afraid the car is______ out "的相关试题:

[单项选择]--I am afraid the car is ______ out of gas.--I think so.
A. getting
B. using
C. making
D. running
[单项选择]Man: Hi, Susan. I hear your ski trip was out of this world!Woman: It was wonderful! I didn't want to come back to the real world!Question: What can we learn about Susan
A. She preferred to live in an unreal world.
B. She enjoyed the skiing very much.
C. She lost contact with this world.
D. She failed to carry out her ski plan.
[单项选择]I am not sure whether I can get any profit from the business, so I can't make a(n)______ decision abut what to do next.
A. exact
B. denied
C. sure
D. definite
[单项选择]In the course of the same year,war broke out in that area.
A. 在同一年的过程中,战争在这个地区发生。
B. 同年,该地区爆发了战争。
C. 同年,战争在这个地区爆发。
D. 在同一年的过程中,战争破坏了这个地区。

December 13th, 2005
Dear Sirs,
I am very happy to apply for the position of secretary, which you advertised in China Daily of December 10, 2005.
I have been working as a secretary at a college office. Because I am the only secretary in the office, it is necessary for me to work quickly and efficiently and to be flexible in my daily work. Professors value my work and my ability to meet their needs.
Although I am happy now, I feel that my promotion(晋升) is limited here, and I would like to have a more challenging job. Therefore, I enrolled(参加) in a program to expand my knowledge of international business affairs. Now, both my English and Chinese have been improved and I am ready to begin working as a bilingual secretary in an international company like yours, and I believe I can be a great help to your firm.
The enclosed resume gives further details of my qualifications, and I would appreciate it if you could give me an opportunity
A. she has difficulty handling her daily work efficiently
B. she can hardly get a chance to be promoted
C. she finds her present job too challenging
D. she is tired of her duties at the college

[单项选择]I'm afraid that there isn't______for you in my car.
A. place
B. seat
C. corner
D. room
[单项选择]Woman: I am trying to find out how this dishwasher works. The manual is in French. can't wait for Bill to translate it for me.Man: Don't worry, Mary. I can do the dishes before the machine starts to work.Question: What does the man mean
A. He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher.
B. He will wash the dishes himself instead.
C. He will help Bill to translate the manual.
D. He himself will operate the dishwasher.
[单项选择]World War I broke out on June 28th, ______.
A. 1914
B. 1917
C. 1815
D. 1918
[单项选择]I am afraid I am not fit for the job, for it is ______ calling for much patience.
A. which
B. what
C. one
D. that
[单项选择]I am afraid I have little influence over her once her mind is made up on any subject.
A. 我担心一旦她改变了主意,我会受到一点影响。
B. 一旦她的头脑被任何学科所组成,我怕我会对她没影响力。
C. 一旦她能对自己的事作决定,我恐怕不能影响她了。
D. 我怕一旦她拿定主意,我就不能改变她。
[单项选择]Certainly I'll come, but I am afraid I shall be ______.
A. a few minutes later
B. late a few minutes
C. a few minutes late
D. later a few minutes
[单项选择]If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, ______ him or her leave a message.
A. have
B. get
C. ask
D. tell
[单项选择]( ) appreciating your order, we must point out that our prices have already been cut to a minimum.
A. How
B. While
C. Since we are
D. Anyway


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