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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:18:43

[单项选择]A good plan when fighting against an enemy tank is to ______.
A. shoot its back
B. get behind it
C. move it to the side
D. move out of its way

更多"A good plan when fighting against a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A good plan when fighting against an enemy tank is to ______.
A. shoot its back
B. get behind it
C. move it to the side
D. move out of its way
[单项选择]A good plan must be a little()so that special projects which are not included in the plan can be done well.
A. flexible
B. loose
C. relaxed
D. smooth
[单项选择]__________ it's quite a good plan, but it's difficult to carry it out.
A. By the way
B. In a way
C. In no way
D. In the way
[单项选择]What was he good at when he was at school
A. Basketball.
B. High jump.
C. Running.
D. Football.
[单项选择]Management was not acting in good faith when it alleged that worker's wages would have to be cut for the company to remain solvent.
A. prosperous
B. out of debt
C. productive
D. out of trouble
[单项选择]When the tank can carrying poisonous gas ran off the rails the firemen tried to______ the village from all traffic.
A. dismiss
B. insulate
C. isolate
D. expel
[单项选择]Why did you ______ such a good job when jobs are so hard to get
A. throw about
B. throw off
C. throw up
D. throw out
[判断题]A real good lesson plan should be long and complicated with detailed lesson notes.()
[单项选择]When developing a teaching plan for the family of a child with seizures, which of the following would the nurse include when discussing pharmacologic treatment
[单项选择]When do people start to plan for the Championships()
A. After the first snow falls in Colorado.
B. Once they submit their applications.
C. Before their sculptures are sketched.
D. As soon as the judges have chosen the teams.
[单项选择]When developing a plan of care for a toddler with a seizure disorder, which of the following would be inappropriate
A. Padded side rails.
B. Oxygen mask and bag system at bedside.
C. Arm restraints while asleep.
D. Cardiopulmonary monitoring.
[单项选择]When developing a plan of home care for the client with multiple sclerosis, the nurse should teach the client about which of the following complications most likely to occur
A. Ascites.
B. Contractures.
C. Fluid volume overload.
D. Myocardial infarction.
[单项选择]When the news of his ______ with the enemy became known, he was hanged in effigy.
A. involement
B. conversations
C. collusion
D. complacency
[单项选择]When ______ with a strong enemy, they had always retreated.
A. being faced
B. facing
C. faced
D. being facing
[单项选择]When we plan our vacation, mother often offers ______ suggestions.
A. careful
B. practical
C. effective
D. acceptable
[单项选择]When people plan to meet nowadays, they ______.
A. arrange the meeting place beforehand.
B. postpone fixing the place till the last minute.
C. seldom care about when and where to meet.
D. still love to work out detained meeting plans.


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