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发布时间:2024-03-23 06:59:02

[单项选择]Advertisement is often used to ______.
A. deceive customers
B. increase production
C. push the sale
D. arouse suspicion

更多"Advertisement is often used to ____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Advertisement is often used to______.
A. deceive customers
B. increase production
C. arouse suspicion
D. push the sale
[单项选择]The most often used English words to show good manners are ______.
A. Hi, Thank you and Bye
B. Please, Thank you and OK
C. Hello, Bye and Thank you
D. Thank you, Sorry and Please
[单项选择]"Underprivileged people" is often used by the mass media as a substitute for "poor people". Linguistically, the former is referred to as a(n) ______.
A. linguistic taboo
B. slangy expression
C. high-sounding expression
D. euphemism
[单项选择]Which WLAN device is often used to make wireless connections between buildings or campuses?()
A. router
B. bridge
C. access point
D. client adapter
[填空题]A diamond or ruby is a jewelry that is often used to decorate valuable ornaments or other special objects such as rings or necklaces().
[单项选择]()are often used to organize and index the information or prices of objects.
A. Object codes
B. Bar codes
C. References
D. Notes
[单项选择]The boys often used to throw a stone or two at the glasshouse because ______.
[单项选择]The cell phones are often used by ______.
A. a few people
B. most people
C. young people only
D. children in school only
[单项选择]Comparison and contrast are often used ______ in advertisements.
A. intentionally
B. pertinently
C. incidentally
D. overwhelmingly
[单项选择]Comparison and contrast are often used _________ in advertisements.
A. intentionally
B. pertinently
C. incidentally
D. tiresomely
[单项选择]Finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case because it ______.
A. is complicated but reliable
B. is simple and not expensive
C. is expensive but easy to do
D. can bring a lot of money
[单项选择]Your sister used to visit you quite often, ______
A. isn’t she
B. use not she
C. wasn’t she
D. didn’t she


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