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发布时间:2023-10-17 17:45:00

[单项选择]Wilkins Micawber is a character in the novel ______ , an eternal optimist who, despite evidence to the contrary, continues to have faith that something will turn up.
A. Great Expectations
B. David Copperfield
C. Oliver Twist
D. A Tale of Two Cities

更多"Wilkins Micawber is a character in "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Concerning the main character of the novel, which of the following is NOT true
A. She is a relative of the writer.
B. She is an embodiment of self-made hero.
C. She had been studied or written about before this novel.
D. She is a saint coming from the grass roots.
[单项选择]Polarized light is a probably phenomenon characterized by its ______.
A. rotational symmetry.
B. charged particles.
C. radiation flashes.
D. frequent twists.
[单项选择]The character armor consists of defensive character traits, like arrogance or apprehensiveness, that developed in childhood to ______ painful feelings.
A. turn aside
B. ward off
C. bread up
D. watch over
[单项选择]When did Wolfe publish his first novel
A. Before he left Harvard.
B. On his return journey from Europe.
C. When he got married.
D. After his editor revised the manuscript.
[单项选择]The novel Sister Carrie describes()
A. the death of Hurstwood
B. the degeneration of Carrie Meeber
C. how Carrie climbed up the social ladder
D. Carrie.s love affair with Drouet
[单项选择]The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.
A. 该厂产品以良好的工人关系和耐用性而著名。
B. 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。
C. 该厂产品主要以工艺精湛,经久耐用为特征。
D. 该厂主要以生产工艺精湛,经久耐用产品为特征。
[单项选择]One explanation for the different character of English people is that ________.
A. they are geographically isolated from the European continent
B. they have nothing to do with the other Europeans
C. they like to keep quiet among their acquaintances
D. they tend to be reserved by nature
[单项选择]What's the character of Puerto Rico
A. Either new or old.
B. Mixture of different people.
C. Too many fast food restaurants.
D. Either Spanish or American.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is not characteristic of liquid-fuel rockets
A. The fuel is cheap.
B. They are cheap to build.
C. They can be stopped and re-ignited.
D. They must be used soon after fueling.
[单项选择]The most important character exclusive to human beings is______.
A. humor
B. courage
C. determination
D. initiative
[单项选择]What is the character of British labor force
A. homogeneous
B. creative
C. imaginary
D. hard working
[单项选择]By default, which character indicates the configuration mode prompt?()
A. #
B. >
C. $
D. %
[单项选择]That French novel had been translated into English and published in Britain by ________ of the author.
A. permission
B. agreement
C. courtesy
D. contemplation
[单项选择]Which British writer wrote the novel Hard Times
A. Thomas Hardy.
B. Charlotte Bronte.
C. George Bernard Shaw.
D. Charles Dickens.
[单项选择]The storyline of the novel was extremely involved and included many lesser characters ______to the central events.
A. (A) consequential
B. (B) coeval
C. (C) peripheral
D. (D) indispensable
E. (E) permeating
[单项选择]Every valid character in a computer that uses even ( ) must always have an even number of 1 bits.
A. parity
B. check
C. test
D. compare


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