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发布时间:2023-11-05 05:37:17

[单项选择]Let me give you ______.
A. advices
B. some advice
C. an advice
D. the advice

更多"Let me give you ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]First let me give you an idea of how little China is known to the Americans.
A. 第一大家已知道美国人对中国所知甚少。
B. 首先让大家了解一下美国人对中国所知甚少。
C. 第一你必须了解这样一点,美国人很少了解中国。
D. 首先大家必须清楚,中国对美国多么缺乏了解.
[单项选择]Let me give you ______.
A. advices
B. some advice
C. an advice
D. the advice
[单项选择]Man: The suitcase looks heavy. Let me give you a hand. Woman: ______
[单项选择]Let me give you a ______ of how the computer works.
A. demonstration
B. difference
C. deduction
D. distinction
[单项选择]Could you please give me a hand Let's______ the bookcase into place.
A. shoot
B. shove
C. contain
D. indicate
[单项选择]Could you just give me a hand Let's ______the car into motion; it got a flameout just now.
A. shove
B. nudge
C. prompt
D. poke
[单项选择]Could you please give me a hand Let's _________ the bookcase into place.
A. shoot
B. shove
C. contain
D. indicate
[单项选择]Simon: Excuse me, but could you give me some change Joan: Let me see. ______. Simon: That'll be fine. I only want to make a phone call. Joan: Here you are.
[单项选择]Interviewer: Let me see if I understood you. You mean that you can work extra hours if needed, right.
Interviewee: ().
A. Yes. No matter what you say.
B. Yes. Thank you for your clarification.
C. Yes. You sure understand me.
D. Yes. Absolutely.
[单项选择]—Would you do me a favour and give me a ride —______.
[单项选择]Let me help you, ______
[单项选择]I owe you some money. Let me pay you ______ now.
A. back
B. for
C. in
D. to
[单项选择]—Please give me awhen you arrive in London,Miss Nelson. —All right.Ill tell you everything when I get there.
A. subject
B. newspaper
C. ticket
D. call
[单项选择]Please let me have any information you possess _________her progress on her academic study.
A. all over
B. as to
C. all but
D. as for


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