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发布时间:2023-11-05 01:31:40

[单项选择]The United Kingdom is located in
A. northern Europe.
B. western Europe.
C. northwestern Europe.
D. southeastern Europe.

更多"The United Kingdom is located in"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tile United Kingdom is located in
A. northern Europe.
B. western Europe.
C. northwestern Europe.
D. southeastern Europe.
[单项选择]The United Kingdom is located in ().
A. northern Europe
B. western Europe
C. northwestern Europe
D. southeastern Europe
[单项选择]The head of government of United Kingdom is
A. the Prime Minister.
B. the Speaker of the House of Lords.
C. the Speaker of the House of Commons.
D. the Queen.
[单项选择]The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of State is a king or a queen .In practice,___________.
A. Parliament rules the country
B. the Sovereign reigns but does not rule
C. the Sovereign rules but does not reign
D. the Prime Minister rules and reigns
[单项选择]The police service for the United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a(n) ______ basis.
A. national
B. local
C. private
D. international
[单项选择]Many visitors to the United Kingdom go straight to London and never set foot outside the capital—which is a pity, for those that do are often surprised at the sheer variety of landscapes 1 within such a small geographical area. 2 you want to see stunning, unspoilt scenery you should 3 spend a few days in one of Britain"s largest areas of protected countryside, a national park. 4 in the second half of the 20 th century after popular pressure for access 5 the country"s wilder places, there are now 15 of them throughout the British Isles. The biggest is the Cairngorms in northern Scotland, named 6 some of the country"s highest mountains and the best place for skiing. Pony-trekking, climbing and fishing are also 7 , along with Scotland"s national game, golf. 8 enthusiasts are well rewarded—this is the home of the red deer, red squirrel and golden eagle, If you don"t like the 9 to the highest point, some 2000 metres 10 sea level, you can take the railway 11 gets you to the summit in less than ten minutes. 12 the west of the park is another popular natural 13 , Loch Ness. The lake is over 200 metres 14 in places, and salmon, trout and eels are in abundance here. Over the border in England is the Lake District, 15 made famous by Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth two hundreds years ago. People have been 16 here en masse since 1847 17 a railway was built to its biggest lake, Windermere. 18 in the past boats plied its waters 19 stone, timber and wood, today"s craft are more likely to carry 20 on pleasure cruises—over a million a year, in fact.
A. to find
B. to be found
C. finding
D. to have found
[单项选择]The largest river in the United Kingdom, which runs 355 kilometres and empties into the Bristol Strait, is ______.
A. the Severn River
B. the Clyde River
C. the Thames River
D. the Potomac River
[单项选择]In the United Kingdom, police officers are not allowed to join ______ or to go on strike.
A. a trade union
B. a choir
C. a political party
D. a club
[单项选择]The United Kingdom is also known by its official name
A. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and England.
B. the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
C. the United Kingdom of British Isles.
D. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
[单项选择]The United Kingdom is a unitary, not a federal, state and its Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and ______.
A. the House of Representatives
B. the House of Senates
C. the House of Councilors
D. the House of Commons
[单项选择]In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ______ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.
A. compelling
B. forced
C. obliged
D. compulsory
[单项选择]The United Kingdom is a ______ monarchy.
A. Democratic
B. Republic
C. Constitutional.
D. Capitalist
[单项选择]In Wales, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ______ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.
A. obliged
B. compulsory
C. forced
D. compelling
[单项选择]The official name of the United Kingdom is______.
A. the United Kingdom of Great Britain
B. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
C. the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland
D. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


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