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发布时间:2023-10-05 03:28:26

[单项选择]With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.
A. the third largest
B. the fourth largest
C. the fifth largest
D. the sixth largest

更多"With regard to its size, Australia "的相关试题:

[单项选择]With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.
A. the third largest
B. the fourth largest
C. the fifth largest
D. the sixth largest
[单项选择]With regard to its size,Australia is()country in the world.
A. the third largest
B. the fourth largest
C. the fifth largest
D. the sixth largest
[单项选择]With regard to its size, the U. S. A. is the ______ country in the world.
A. largest
B. second largest
C. third largest
D. fourth largest
[单项选择]Australia began to assume its modem configuration by the Eocene Epoch, some 50 million years ago, when Antarctica broke away and drifted southward.
A. status
B. sphere
C. shape
D. situation
[单项选择]Australia began to assume its modern configuration by the Eocene Epoch, some 50 million years ago, when Antarctica broke away and drifted southward.
A. status
B. sphere
C. shape
D. situation
[单项选择]Canberra,the capital of Australia,got its name from the word "Canburry",which is an Aboriginal word meaning()
A. "meeting place"
B. "beautiful garden"
C. "sacred site"
D. "capital city"
[单项选择]已知函数fread.的调用形式为fread(buffer,size,count,fp);,其中buffer代表的是( )。
A. 存放读入数据项的存储区
B. 一个指向所读文件的文件指针
C. 一个指针,是指向输入数据存放在内存中的起始地址
D. 一个整型变量,代表要读入的数据项总数
[单项选择]已知函数的调用形式:fread(buffer,size,count,fp);其中buffer代表的是( )。
A. 一个整型变量,代表要读入的数据项总数
B. 一个文件指针,指向要读的文件
C. 一个指针,是指向的输入数据放在内存中的起始位置
D. 一个存储区,存放要读的数据项
A. 一个整型变量,代表要读入的数据项总数
B. 一个文件指针,指向要读的文件
C. 一个指针,指向要读入数据的存放地址
D. 一个存储区,存放要读的数据项
A. 一个文件指针,指向待读取的文件
B. 一个整型变量,代表待读取的数据的字节数
C. 一个内存块的首地址,代表读入数据存放的地址
D. —个内存块的字节数
[单项选择]______ the size or nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.
A. Whatever
B. Of
C. Whereas
D. Because
[单项选择]已知函数的调用形式:fread(buf,size,count,fp),参数buf的含义是( )。
A. 一个整型变量,代表要读入的数据项总数
B. 一个文件指针,指向要读的文件
C. 一个指针,指向要读入数据的存放地址
D. 一个存储区,存放要读的数据项
[单项选择] _______ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.
A. Whatever
B. Whichever
C. Whereas
D. Because
[单项选择]The Democrats regard the successful Iraqi elections as______.
[单项选择]Argonne believes that people should regard maglev transportation as ______.
A. safe, efficient high-speed trains
B. the most exciting form of transportation for the future
C. a kind of aircraft
D. the most economical form of transportation
[单项选择]Businesses do not regard information concerning personal bank accounts as private because ______.
A. its revelation will do no harm to consumers under the current protection policy
B. it is considered "transaction and experience" information unprotected by law
C. it has always been considered an open secret by the general public
D. its sale can be brought under control through self-regulation


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