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发布时间:2023-10-19 12:01:29

[单项选择]It is ______ of him to put everything in disorder in the room. He is so peculiar.
A. unconscious
B. aware
C. typical
D. unkind

更多"It is ______ of him to put everythi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Old John did everything as the doctor had told him.
[单项选择]His friends find ______him everything that has happened.
[单项选择]He stole the money and they put him ______.
A. at prison
B. in prison
C. at the prison
D. in the prison
[单项选择]Everything he ______ away from him before he returned to school.
A. took
B. had taken
C. had had been taken
D. had been taken
A. coma: unconsciousness
B. dyslexia: memory
C. frigidity: sanguinity
D. encephalitis: unresponsiveness
E. inertia: ache
[单项选择]A client diagnosed with anxiety disorder is prescribed buspirone (BuSpar). Teaching instructions for newly prescribed buspirone should include which of the following
[单项选择]The French Revolution was a period of disorder, but produced some great literature.
A. chaos
B. interest
C. imagination
D. success
[单项选择]You () him the news; it just made him sad.
A. don't need to tell
B. didn't need to tell
C. needn't tell
D. needn't have told
[单项选择]The stone bit him
[单项选择]Even if I had met him,I wouldn't have told him about our plan.
A. 如果我见过他,我也不会告诉他我们的计划。
B. 如果我再见到他,我就不会告诉他我们的计划。
C. 即使我见过他,我也不会告诉他我们的计划。
D. 即使我再见到他,我也不会告诉他我们的计划。
[单项选择]I should ______ him up to tell him the information.
A. call
B. calling
C. called
D. have called
[单项选择]I _____him 150 dollars and must pay him back tomorrow.
A. lend
B. borrow
C. owe
D. own
[单项选择]--Have you seen him recently --Yes. I met him at ______ this morning. ( )
[单项选择]If you ______ him tomorrow, please ask him if he ______ to work on the farm with us.
[单项选择]According to the passage, the panic disorder_____.
[单项选择]I told him to get here but perhaps I ______ him a map.
A. should have given
B. ought to give
C. had to give
D. must have given
[单项选择]You ______ him at the party last night. I saw him off at the airport yesterday afternoon.
[单项选择]I showed him my new dress but I ______ tell him how much it cost.
A. does not dare to
B. dared not
C. dared not to
D. dares not


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