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发布时间:2023-10-05 13:02:32

[单项选择]A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time ______ the guards discovered what had happened.
A. before
B. until
C. since
D. when

更多"A man escaped from the prison last "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time ______ the guards discovered what had happened.
A. before
B. until
C. since
D. when
[单项选择]I know he would be the last man to accept bribes.
A. 我知道他是最后一个受贿赂的人。
B. 我知道他决不会接受贿赂。
C. 我知道他是唯一受贿的人。
D. 我知道他是最不会受贿的人。
[单项选择]The last man ______ the sinking ship was the captain.
A. left
B. to leave
C. having left
D. being left
[单项选择]He escaped from the battlefield only ______ by the local people.
A. killed
B. to kill
C. to be killed
D. killing
[单项选择]Marketing is()just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.
A. rather than
B. other than
C. bigger than
D. more than
[单项选择]"Sandwich" is from a man's name. The man was ______.
[单项选择] A:The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can't stop to talk. I've got to hurry. B:()
A.  Stay longer
B.  Go slowly
C.  Ok, see you later
[单项选择]We did not buy any fish from that man because ______ .
[单项选择]At last the man ______.
[单项选择]The man was sent to prison for driving {{U}}recklessly{{/U}}.
A. cautiously
B. attentively
C. patiently
D. carelessly
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we learn that
A. the seas we will depend on for future food have been more or less contaminated.
B. the marine resources are directly bound up with our future life.
C. the exploitation drives are essential for us to improve the quality of llfe on the earth.
D. the ecological balance in the seas has nothing to do with that on the land.
[单项选择]What can be inferred from the last paragraph
[单项选择]What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. We know what happens in our head at night through thinking.
B. The dreams we related when we are awake help interpret our dreams.
C. Scientists can guess the content of our dreams without devices.
D. We ourselves can interpret our dreams if we have advanced devices.


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