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发布时间:2023-09-30 10:10:22

[单项选择]After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.
A. being interviewed
B. interviewed
C. interviewing
D. having interviewed

更多"After ______ for the job, you will "的相关试题:

[单项选择]After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.
A. being interviewed
B. being interviewing
C. interviewing
D. having interviewed
[单项选择]After ______for the job, you will be required to take a language test.
A. being interviewed
B. interviewed
C. interviewing
D. having interviewed
[单项选择]After ______ for the job, you'll be required to take a language test.
A. being interviewed
B. interviewed
C. interviewing
D. having interviewed
[单项选择]After ______ for the job, you'll be required to wait for three days.
A. interviewing
B. interviewed
C. having interviewed
D. being interviewed
[单项选择]After you have hired a designer for the whole job, you are advised to ______.
A. develop a design concept for him
B. purchase the furniture by yourself
C. spend two or three hours for consultation
D. get involved in the work from time to time
[单项选择]Before______for the job, you will be required to take a language test.
A. apply
B. applying
C. applied
D. to apply
[单项选择]You should check you answers after you finish the paper.
[单项选择] After _____ for the job successfully, you are supposed to receive staff training.
A. having interviewed
B. interviewing
C. being interviewed
D. interviewed
[单项选择]You should check your answers after you finish the paper.
[单项选择]After ______ for the job, as usual, you will be required to take a language test.
A. interviewing
B. interviewed
C. being interviewed
D. having interviewed
[单项选择]You should take the medicine after you read the ______.
A. lines
B. instructions
C. words
D. suggestions
[单项选择]At the same time, after what you have said, I do not feel ______ in deciding on this matter entirely by myself.
A. justifiable
B. justificative
C. just
D. justified
[单项选择]If you’re looking for a job you need to be _____ about where you’re prepared to work.
A. changeable
B. available
C. flexible
D. mobile
[单项选择]If you have interest in this job, you can contact Hiroshi Nakamura except by______.
A. telephone
B. E-mail
C. fax
D. letter
[单项选择]A job interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interest.
A. 一次工作交流可以帮助你决定该工作是否与你的需要和兴趣相互一致。
B. 一次应聘面试有助于你决定该工作是否满足你职业上的需求和利益。
C. 一次应聘面试有助于你判断该工作是否符合你的就业要求和兴趣。
D. 如果该工作能满足你的职业要求和兴趣,你就可以决定接受面试。


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