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发布时间:2023-10-19 07:50:02

[单项选择]Risk factors related to opportunities for fraud invlude:()
A. The nature of the industry or operations.
B. Threats to the firms' financial stability or profitability.
C. Complex or unstable organizational structure.

更多"Risk factors related to opportuniti"的相关试题:

A. (A) dissident : friend
B. (B) eccentricity : normalcy
C. (C) enigma : mistake
D. (D) diatribe : insult
E. (E) surplus : debit
[单项选择]Market risk refers to the risk of ______.
A. default
B. financial prices fluctuation
C. fraud
D. deferred payment
[单项选择]They reported the loss in the financial fraud and gave all the necessary ______ to the police.
A. particulars
B. provisions
C. procedures
D. precautions
[单项选择]Compared to normal markets, the existence of fraud and the use of violence in black markets generally leads to:()
A. poorer economic efficiency.
B. superior economic efficiency.
C. lower profit rates for sellers.
[单项选择]Sometimes the real antique and the faked-up fraud are nearly the same and even the experts would find it hard to ______ them from each other.
A. distinguish
B. identify
C. differentiate
D. discriminate
[单项选择]Communications technology factors that can affect the project include all of the following EXCEPT______.
A. the length of the project
B. the availability of technology
C. executive requirements
D. the urgency of the need for information
[单项选择]Environmental factors such as chemical treatments have a bad effect on the hair in the long nm.
A. 环境因素,比如化学处理等对头发都不好。
B. 从长远来看,环境,化学处理对头发都有影响。
C. 从长远来看,头发被化学等因素的影响是很坏的。
D. 从长远来看,环境因素,比如化学处理对头发都有不好的影响。

Cambridge University provides opportunities for educational achievement which are probably unequalled. This is, above all, the place for students with inquiring minds who want to extend their mastery of an educational discipline. The admission standard is high—the great majority of entrants(入学者) have at least AAB grades at GCE A level(or the equivalent), but learning ability is the only quality they all share. Students at Cambridge come from a wide range of educational and social backgrounds. Whatever your background, you yourself have to make the decision to apply, and you, as all individuals, will be considered for admission.
At Cambridge, Open Days are arranged to help you to experience the atmosphere and see the facilities in a College. Admissions and teaching staff will be there to answer any questions about educational matters, your qualifications, life in a college and so on. This would be the moment to discuss your school courses, if they are in any way diff
A. where students can extend their mastery of a major
B. where students can learn a practical skill
C. where only the rich students can go for study
D. whose admission standard is low

[单项选择]Noise control demands the following factors except______
A. sense of proportion
B. money and technology
C. conflict of interest
D. self-discipline
[单项选择]The two factors concerning hurricanes that scientists most want to learn about are
A. conditions in the "eye" and conditions at the edge.
B. the forces that generate them and their frequency.
C. the number of people injured and the amount of damage done.
D. how fast and where they move.
[单项选择]Risk identification outputs include the following except______.
A. decision trees
B. inputs to other processes
C. risk symptoms
D. potential risk events
[单项选择]What happens when quarrels over job opportunities arise among British unions
A. More jobs will be provided by the union.
B. Thirty three percent of the workers can’t be employed.
C. More people will be employed than necessary.
D. The unions will try to increase productivity.
[单项选择]Which of the following nutritional factors makes a person look older
[单项选择]International factors to be considered by the project team generally include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Time zone difference
B. National and regional holiday
C. Travel requirements for face-to-face meeting
D. Project reporting format
[单项选择]Which of the following factors contributes the most to team communication
A. External feedbac
B. Performance appraisal
C. Smoothing over of team conflicts by the project manage
D. Collocatio


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