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发布时间:2023-12-19 06:27:22

[单项选择]A rabid animal is most dangerous during the early stage of the disease because______.
A. it becomes restless, nervous and violent
B. its bite is fatal
C. the potential danger of the sick animal may be ignored
D. it will attack people at any time

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[单项选择]Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her________seemed to change.
A. affair
B. luck
C. event
D. chance
[单项选择]Things went well for him during his early life but in middle age his ______ seemed to change.
A. chance
B. luck
C. career
D. opportunity
[单项选择](During) the early stages of the industrial revolution, perhaps (one in every seven) (deaths) in Europe' s (crowded cities) was caused by tuberculosis.
A. During
B. one in every seven
C. deaths
D. crowded cities
[单项选择]During the most ______ time in her career, she wrote five novels.
A. profound
B. productive
C. prosperous
D. plentiful
[单项选择]During the past years, most working women took vacation ______ .
A. by car
B. by bike
C. by air
D. on foot
[单项选择]A power loss during a firmware update would MOST likely result in which of the following?()
A. Increased heat output
B. Damage of the hardware
C. Loss of storage data
D. Decreased performance
[单项选择]If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ______.
A. he is a lazy person
B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle
C. he is not sure when his energy is low
D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening
[单项选择]Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer's ______ rather than the company's.
A. benefit
B. availability
C. suitability
D. convenience
[单项选择]Before the early 1950's, most historians who studied pre-industrial Europe had______.
A. used surveys that were statistical in nature
B. failed to distinguish between political and social elite
C. limited their work to a small portion of the population
D. relied heavily on birth, marriage, and death records
[单项选择]The very biggest and most murderous wars during the industrial age were intraindustrial-wars that ______ Second Wave nations like Germany and Britain against one another.
A. pitted
B. drove
C. kept
D. embarked


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