发布时间:2023-10-14 02:50:30

[单项选择](75) is the process of obtaining the stakeholders' formal acceptance of the completed project scope. Verifying the scope includes reviewing deliverables and work results to ensure that all were completed satisfactorily.
A. Project acceptance
B. Scope verification
C. Scope definition
D. WBS Creation

更多"(75) is the process of obtaining th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In considering project stakeholders, the project management team must do all of the following EXCEPT:
A. As much as possible, create conflicts among stakeholders to allow the project team to get its work don
B. Identify the stakeholder
C. Determine stakeholders requirements and expectation
D. To the extent possible, manage stakeholders influence in relation to the requirements to ensure a successful projec
[单项选择]One difficulty in translation lies in obtaining a concept match. ______ this is meant that a concept in one language is lost or changed in meaning in translation.
A. By
B. In
C. For
D. With
[单项选择]Checklists are completed in which process
A. Risk identificatio
B. Quality assuranc
C. Quality plannin
D. Quality contro
[单项选择]The Develop Project Management Plan Process includes the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all constituent plans into a ( ).
A. Project Scope Statement
B. Project Management Plan
C. Forecasts
D. Project Charter
[单项选择]The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the (73)process.
A. Estimate Costs
B. Sequence Activities
C. Plan Communications
D. Conduct Procurements
[单项选择]The process of performance reporting includes all of the following except______.
A. status reporting
B. progress reporting
C. forecasting
D. product analysis
[单项选择]Which of the following process involves determining project roles,responsibilities,and reporting relationships,and develops the staffing management plan ?()
A. Manage project tea
B. Human resource plannin
C. Develop project tea
D. Acquire project tea
[单项选择]The process is primarily concerned with authorizing the project or, in a multiphase project, a project phase is called ______ .
A. develop project charter
B. develop prepliminary project scope statement
C. management review
D. phase-end review
[单项选择]The linkages between project management process groups are best described by:
A. The work breakdown structure links process group
B. Process groups are linked by their planned objectives-the summary objective of one often becomes the detailed action plan for anothe
C. Process groups are linked by the objectives they produce-the output of one process often becomes an input to another process, or is a deliverable of the projec
D. There are no significant links between discrete process group
[单项选择]After project control, organizational process assets are updated. Wherever checklists are used, the completed checklists should become part of the ______ .
[单项选择]Which software process sorts client login requests and assigns them to a virtual router for RADIUS service?()
[单项选择]Which IP telephony component provides call processing, such as signaling, that in a traditional voice network is provided by switching equipment, such as a PBX?()
A. Client-based software, such as CiscoSoftPhone
B. Voice gateways, such as the Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
C. Call-management hardware and software, such as CiscoCallManager
D. Advanced call-handling software, such as Cisco Unity
[单项选择]Which term describes the process of encapsulating IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets?()
A. tunneling
B. hashing
C. routing
[单项选择]Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?()
A. Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.
B. Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times.
C. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made.
D. Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease.


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