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发布时间:2023-10-10 11:43:08

[单项选择]He asked me to drink a few______ of brandy to make me feel less nervous.
A. sips
B. hops
C. tugs
D. flaps

更多"He asked me to drink a few______ of"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I tried to invite have a drink with me but he said that he was in such a hurry that he had no time to ______.
A. spend
B. save
C. share
D. spare
[单项选择]She has bought some cloth; she is going to make herself a dress.
A. 她买了一些衣服;她还打算给自己做一件衣服。
B. 她买了一些衣服,也打算对其中一件改一下。
C. 她买了一些布,打算自己做衣服。
D. 她买了一些布,打算给自己做一件衣服。
[单项选择]He tried to make me know his meaning ______ using his hands.
[单项选择]He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I () of hunger and cold.
A. would be died
B. would have died
C. would die
D. will have died
[单项选择]______ he says or does won't make me change my mind at all.
A. Whatever
B. However
C. Which
D. How
[单项选择]What preparations did Thomas make before he started his business
A. He stayed at home
B. He borrowed money from a bank.
C. He made investigations and drew up a plan
D. He wrote a book.
[单项选择]He told me that he had finished high school a year______ .
[单项选择]He talked so much during the match that he put me off my game.
A. 看球赛时他说得太多,使我没看清楚比赛。
B. 打球赛时他说得太多,致使我没输掉了比赛。
C. 看球赛时他说得太多,使我不能专心的看比赛。
D. 球赛时他说得太多,总是让我从球赛上分心。
[单项选择]He was just talking to me and he said he was getting ready to drive over to see you.
A. 他刚才跟我谈过,他正开车来看你呢。
B. 他刚才跟我谈过,他还说要开车来看你。
C. 他刚才对我说,他要开车来看你呢。
D. 他刚才对我说,他已经准备好了要送车给你。
[单项选择]I did not lose temper when he told me that he wanted to run away from home; instead, I tried to ______ with him.
A. deal
B. discuss
C. reason
D. sense
[单项选择]He has to make a living by himself because he doesn’t have parents to().
A. keep on
B. depend with
C. rely on
D. go to
[单项选择]He is too young to drink wine, ______he isn't allowed to.
[单项选择]He is off to Paris again tomorrow. He tells me that, with this journey, he______ there and back twenty times.
A. will be
B. will have been
C. will go
D. will have gone
[单项选择]He said he always felt ______ when he had to make a speech in public.
A. nerve
B. nervous
C. nervously
D. nervousness
[单项选择]He told me he had been offered a very well-paid {{U}}position{{/U}} abroad.
A. employment
B. service
C. job
D. work
[单项选择]He told me that he had bought a music tape and ______ buy another one the next week.
A. he would
B. that he would
C. he should
D. he was going to
[单项选择]He told me that he had been offered a wellpaid _____ abroad.
A. employment
B. work
C. service
D. job
[单项选择]He was in poor health. He could not make his voice ______ .
A. hear
B. to hear
C. heard
D. to be heard


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