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发布时间:2023-10-10 08:10:42

[单项选择]After the collision, he examined the considerable______ to his car.
A. ruin
B. deficiency
C. penetration
D. innovation

更多"After the collision, he examined th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After the collision, he examined the considerable ______ to his car.
A. ruin
B. destruction
C. damage
D. injury
[单项选择]After the {{U}}collision{{/U}}, he examined the considerable wreck to his car.
A. ruin
B. destruction
C. damage
D. injury
[单项选择]He went back to work after he had recovered from his illness ______ that they had found another person to replace him.
A. had been told
B. being always told
C. only to be told
D. unfortunately told
[单项选择]After he has written his paper, he found some additional material()he should have included.
A. that
B. of which
C. in which
D. whom
[单项选择]After he heard the news, he went to the hospital ______ once.
[单项选择]He went()to study()after he graduated from the university.
A. abroad...further
B. abroadly...furtherly
C. abroad... furtherly
D. abroadly...further
[单项选择]He was found ______ one month after he was born.
A. quiet
B. still
C. silent
D. dumb
[单项选择]What will Mr. Toledo probably do after he becomes president
A. To strengthen national integration.
B. To solve the problem of racial discrimination.
C. To mobilize his supporters.
D. To carry out his economic policies and sustain the economic growth.
[单项选择]On the next payday, what happens after he counts the money
[单项选择]A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began ______.
A. telephoning the bank
B. visiting the bank
C. shouting at the clerks of the bank
D. explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank
[单项选择]After he read the advertisement, Tom decided to ______.
A. see the lamp
B. examine the bicycle
C. see and buy the bike
D. ask the shop owner
[单项选择]After he got the higher position of the company, he wallowed in ______.
A. luxury
B. accommodation
C. entertainment
D. refreshment
[单项选择]What did Baker do after he shot at the wood from 50 yards away
[单项选择]Soon after he reached Australia, Captain Cook ______ to draw the map of the .east coast.
A. set about
B. set off
C. set sail
D. set out
[单项选择]After he gave a report about the school, Mr. White ______ the visitors around it.
A. went on to show
B. went on showing
C. went on with showing
D. keep on showing
[单项选择]What did Bill do after he shot at the wood from 50 yards away
A. He drew a target round the hole.
B. He brough it in a car.
C. He put it in the garden.
D. He cut the wood.
[单项选择]Peyton would probably ______ after he was caught by a Federal sentinel.
A. be killed
B. be beaten
C. be fined
D. be put into prison
[单项选择]After he retired from office, Rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.
A. took up
B. save up
C. kept up
D. drew up


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