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发布时间:2023-10-10 12:20:34

[单项选择]After those scientists come, there's a new______ in our town for recycling plastic bottles.
A. schedule
B. scheme
C. scout
D. safeguard

更多"After those scientists come, there'"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After years of strenuous work, the scientists are on the __________.of a great discovery of human gene.
A. domain
B. premise
C. threshold
D. pretext
[单项选择]It's an awful ______ your wife couldn't come. I was looking forward to meeting
A. harm
B. sorrow
C. shame
D. shock
[单项选择]The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.
A. have not been admitted
B. didn’t admit
C. will not be admitted
D. don’t admit
[单项选择]I shall never forget those years I lived in the country with the farmers, ______ has a great effect on my life.
A. that; which
B. when; which
C. which; that
D. when; who
[单项选择]I am glad you've come; I am______ telephoning you, but you've saved me the trouble now.
A. in the light of
B. by means of
C. with the purpose of
D. on the point of
[单项选择]After years of research, scientists have ______ the virus that is responsible for the disease.
A. recognized
B. identified
C. guaranteed
D. notified
[单项选择]After seven years' work, Chinese scientists ______ the task of launching their country's first spaceship in seven years.
A. achieve
B. accomplish
C. fulfill
D. complete
[单项选择]Certainly I'll come, but I am afraid I shall be ______.
A. a few minutes later
B. late a few minutes
C. a few minutes late
D. later a few minutes
[单项选择]Before the guests come, I must get the glasses ______.
A. washed
B. to be washed
C. being washed
D. to wash
[单项选择]It's too bad that you didn't come to the party. I wish you _________ such a bad headache that night.
[单项选择]Speaker A : I wonder if Ann will come. It's 8:30 now and she was supposed to come at 8:00.Speaker B: ______
[单项选择]Those superior states of mind do not come from ______ an alien culture.
A. imitating
B. mimicking
C. aping
D. parodying
[单项选择]—When can I come for the photos I need them this afternoon. —They should be ready by 12 o'clock. You can______us, sir.
A. wait on
B. watch on
C. depend on
D. call on


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