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发布时间:2023-10-10 12:46:32

[单项选择]John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages______ in the dictionary.
A. missing
B. loosening
C. dissipating
D. skipping

更多"John complained to the bookseller t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages _____________in the dictionary.
A. missing
B. losing
C. dropping
D. leaking
[单项选择]John's remarks were______annoy his old parents at his birthday party.
A. so as to
B. such as to
C. such to
D. as much as to
[单项选择]John's ideas about how to solve the problem were so cogent that I had to agree with him.
A. chronic
B. cavernous
C. convincing
D. choral
[单项选择]A: Hi, John, how are you I head you were sick. B: They must have confused me with somebody else._____
A. I was sick last week.
B. I couldn’t agree with you more.
C. So you’re right.
D. I’ve never felt better.
[单项选择]when did the bookseller tell the doctor about his foot [A] As soon as the doctor came into the shop. [B] While he was getting the books ready. [C] After the doctor had books in his hand.
[单项选择]Consumer groups have complained that the existing two-company system has led to nearly ______ prices and plans.
A. parallel
B. vertical
C. identical
D. specific
[单项选择]American technicians in Latin America complained of feeling "left out" and "shut off" because ______.
[单项选择]If you want to find the bookseller's number, you could look it up in the telephone
A. index
B. catalogue
C. list
D. directory
[单项选择]She complained that the treatment she received in the hospital had completely ______ her of her dignity.
A. frustrated
B. confronted
C. deprived
D. examined
[单项选择]Some teachers complained that the school board was ______ , focusing on short-term goals while ignoring the long-term benefits of classroom reorganization.
A. (A) ambiguous
B. (B) myopic
C. (C) perceptive
D. (D) discerning
E. (E) replete
[单项选择]A number of black youths have complained of being by ____ the police.
A. harassed
B. distracted
C. sentenced
D. released
[单项选择]While assessing a client who complained of lower abdominal pressure, the nurse notes a firm mass extending above the symphysis pubis. The nurse suspects
A. a urinary tract infection.
B. renal calculi.
C. an enlarged kidney.
D. a distended bladder.
[单项选择]The bookseller's wife told him to ______. [A] go to see the doctor [B] wait until the doctor came to the shop [C] ask the doctor to come at once
[单项选择]They complained that the teacher should have ___________ them earlier of the testing.
A. notified
B. noticed
C. instructed
D. conformed
[单项选择]Jenny complained that the hospital______her too much for the treatment.
A. expended
B. paid
C. cost
D. charged
[单项选择]When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger ______ his good sense and hit the boy back.
A. got the feel of
B. got the hang of
C. got the better of
D. got the worst of


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